uh oh

886 14 14

I woke up to a loud banging on my door Mason was gone and I didn't know what time it was I get up and open the door "miguel." What the fuck why's he here "y/n we need to talk" are you shitting me rn I just woke up I have no idea what time it is and I feel like my stomach is gonna explode from all the food I ate last night "Miguel idk" I say this bitch better leave I look like shit

"Can I come in?" Hell no sticky icky "yeah sure" I say "I'm sorry for everything that I did I was mad and I wasent thinking right I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" he says holy shit sticky ickys sorry? Well now I feel bad for saying that about him "Miguel i get your point but also you know I like you, if I didn't I would have never done the things I did Tristans a friend I know it was weird that he called me this things but I never flirted back I like you" I sat oh shit oh fuck Im gonna jump out the window "I know im sorry I didn't realize and I got jealous that he likes you I don't want you to leave me"

Well shit now what "I'm sorry I'll talk to him and tell him to stop calling me those things" I say as Miguel hugs me tight "i love you" i hear him whisper in my ear WOAH THERE BUDDY I hug him back "I love you too" I say sincerely he pulls away from the hug and kisses me on the forehead "wanna go eat?" He asked God he knows me so well "you know me so well" I say grabbing my things and opening the door to walk to the elavator "I'm happy we made up" I say walking into the elavtor "I wanna make out" he whispers under his breath IM GONNA SHOOT MYSELF "I know me too" I say as the elavtor opens I look over to Miguel to see him red as shit

He stands there "you coming or you gonna keep fantasizing about me?" I ask he snaps out of it looking at me "how'd you know" he says "I know everything" I say as he walks out the elavator as we walk to the food area

--time skip--

We finish eating and I get up to go back to my room Miguel follows and we go up the elavator as he's walking back to my rook I notice him looking very thicc I rub my hands together and put my hand it the air and slap his ass "so juicy" I say letting go Miguel immediately holds his ass and turns around slowly "ow" he screams as I start laughing opening my room walking in I sense him behind me until I feel the hardest hit on my ass ever even harder than how my mom used to beat my ass I stand there as the pain kicks in I go to hold my ass "so juicy" he says mocking me earlier "that's why you love it" I said thru pain it hurts so bad i don't know how to react

  He puts his things on the counter jumping on my bed "I missed this bed it's so much better than mine" he says rubbing his face into my blanket "you sure it's not because it smells like me" I say putting my stuff down on the counter then jumping right onto Miguel "so soft" I say digging my face into his neck "Jesus" he says laughing I roll over and grab the remote turning on the TV I see Miguel quickly roll over pulling the blanket over himself "you good?" I ask "yup" he says nervously after a while of watching TV

I feel Miguel's hand on my thigh I do the same unfazed I see him from the corner of my eye looking at me "what are you looking at?" I say still facing the screen his face turns scared "how did you-" he says I turn my head to look at him and I smile before turning back watching the TV "I am sorry for what happaned" he says "what?" I say is he still thinking of the argument "I didn't mean it I got jealous" he continues I'm so confused rn but I don't wanna say anything and look stupid "I didn't want you to leave me for him" he says "Miguel I wouldn't leave you I'm more scared of you leaving me" I reply goddammit I have to feel my feelings

"I would never leave you y/n" he replies "I love you" OH OH ITS HAPPENING DO I SAY IT BACK DO I LEAVE DO I CRY DO I SHIT MYSELF I FEEL LIKE I WILL FUCK "I love you too" omg did I say it wait hold on fuck shit I mean I ment it but like fuck he looks over at me and grabs my face "your gourges"

A/n hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't posted I completely forgot I had a story to write I've also been very busy also sorry for the cliffhanger😭

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