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We finish all our scenes and meet up again at my trailer/camper

I'm the last one to enter "hey guys" I say "heyyy" Mason says and Miguel jst looks at me then rolls his eyes? What's his problem what did I do? Why's he mad at me? Did I do somthing or did he do it on accident? I try to ignore it and go sit down "so what do you guys wanna do now we should go back to the hotel since we finished everything I suggest "I can't I have to do somthing to do" Miguel says omg he's mad he's making excuses fuckkkk "oh okay Mason do you wanna do anything" I say is Miguel wants to be mad then he doesn't need to be included "are you gonna invite Tristan?" Miguel says in a snarky tone "should I since your not coming?" I say back fuck him he's literally mad at me for no reason

"Whatever you want i gotta go" he says grabbing his things leaving "what's up with him? I ask Mason once Miguel leaves "he doesn't want me to tell you" Mason says what the fuck? Why doesn't he want me to know? "Mason come on tell me" I say back "I don't know he really didn't want me to tell you" he says bro Mason I'm gonna throw a rock at your head "Mason come on why was it bad?" I ask "I mean to him yeah" he says "Mason just tell me, please why's he mad at me I don't know what I did" I say if Mason doesnt tell me I'm gonna shoot myself he sits there for a while "fine." He says feeling defeted "YES" I say

"he's mad at you because he thinks you have a crush on Tristan since he's been flirting with you and you've been hanging out with him" Mason explains "what? That's why's he fucking mad are you serious because I made a new friend I don't like Tristan I've been hanging out with him because Miguel had been shooting the movie and ofc I'm gonna talk to someone so I have somthing to do and yeah he's been flirting with me but I haven't been flirting back it's so obvious I don't like him I Like Miguel and he knows that if I didn't like him then why would I do ykw to him last night what the shit" I rant getting madder and madder that he's literally mad at me because I'm friends with someone else I can't control if he's flirting with me and I feel bad rejecting him "y/n I get that your mad but also he feels like you don't like him anymore" Mason says "how would I not like him? I've known Tristan for like a day has he not seen the faces I make when Tristan has called me gourges" I sat he has no godamn reason to get mad "idk I think you should try to talk to him but DO NOT mention anything about me telling you or act like you don't even know" he says

"Let's go back to the hotel come on" Mason adds getting uo grabbing his things "fine" I say mad Miguel needs to stop he knows I like him I've liked him before I even talked to him the while ride home the more I thought of it the more pissed I got by the time we got to the hotel I was raging I immediately get out and walk to the elavator with Mason running behind me "y/n wait slow down" Mason says "fuck that" I say getting in the elavator "y/n calm down I get that your mad but imagine how he feels he thinks you lost feelings" Mason tries to explain but I block everything out we reach our level and I get out going into my room throwing everything on the bed then leaving I bang on Miguel's room and he opens the door "what do you want" he says with an additive I push past him getting in his room "oh no you don't get to fucking talk to me like that your fucking mad I'm friends with Tristan are you serious what the fuck?" I say to him " who the fuck told you that?" He says "I figured it out after you left you have no godamn reason to be mad were literally friends calm tf down" I say " friends? Really yeah sure he's literally been flirting with you the whole day you've been ignoring me and you've been taking him fucking everywhere" he raises his voice

"Okay 1 I haven't been ignoring you, you've been shooting the movie you've been busy and I haven't been taking him everywhere he's been following me I can't control where he goes and I won't and just because he called me beautiful or gourges means nothing and haven't you seen I haven't been saying anything back? Haven't you seen the faces I make when he calls me stuff like that" I say louder than him "YOU LITERALLY LIKE HIM MORE THAN ME? YOU COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT ME ITS ALL ABOUT HIM YOU LOST ALL FEELING AT THIS POINT DO YOU RELIZE I LIKE YOU? AND YOU'VE BEEN LETTING HIM FLIRT WITH YOU" Miguel screams "YOU THINK I LIKE HIM? ARE YOU KIDDING ME WHAT ABOUT LAST NIGHT WHY WOULD I DO ANY OF THAT IF I DIDNT LIKE YOU AND I HAVENT FORGETTEN ABOUT YOU IVE LITERALLY BEEN TALKING TO YOU EVERY CHANCE I GET BUT YOUVE BEEN BUSY SO OBVIOUSLY I CANT" I scream back I start feeling my throat tighten fuck I can't cry right now I hate being yelled at "THATS NOT MY FUALT IM SORRY THAT YOUVE BEEN LETTTING SOME GUY FLIRT WITH YOU, FUCK YOU" he screams I feel my eyes start to water I swallow and try to calm down "I like you Miguel I don't like Tristan and you know that" I say my voice breaking I feel tears start to run down my cheek I shake my head staring into Miguel's eyes I put ny head down I walk past him leaving

I go back to my room and close the door going into the bathroom I close the door I turn my back and slide down the wall sitting down on the floor I cover my mouth and try to calm down replaying the scenes in my head over and over again feeling worse and worse

Miguel pov:
I scream at y/n not thinking she knew what she was doing letting him flirt with her I see her eyes start to water but I didn't care though "I like you Miguel not Tristan you know that" she says her voice breaking up tears she looks me in the eye as tears start to run down her face shit I instantly regret it I shakes her head and leaves I stand there what did I just do....


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