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Authors note-this chapter ended up a little longer than I meant for it to but I had a hard time finding a good place to end it. Hope you like this story. And some of the format might be off my computer messed up and when I copied it here I tried to fix it the best I could but I know it's not perfect.
        Sofia and her husband Phillip lived in Boston. They had been married for four years. Phillip had been Sofia's first love. She knew he loved her, but things were hard. They didn't have much of a sex life. They had always struggled. They were each other's first and Phillip often got frustrated and so he gave up quickly and never wanted to do it. Sofia longed for a baby, but was at the point of thinking it was never going to happen. Adoption was too expensive and she didn't want to foster. She knew she wouldn't be able handle it if she had to give it up. She loved reading. She didn't watch much TV. She was a big kid and loved Disney and kids books. She ran a kids book store in town. There was a story hour everyday or at least once a week. Her mom had left it to her. Her best friend Cassie worked there with her. That's where she spent most of her time. Phillip was a photographer, so he stayed busy.

       One afternoon in March, Sofia and Cassie were eating lunch at the local café.

"So still no luck with Phillip?"

"No! It's frustrating. I feel like the bad guy always having to ask for it. He should be asking me for it."

"And your sure he's not cheating on you?"

"Yes. I know he loves me. He does small things. He can so sweet. He just doesn't like to cuddle much and gets frustrated when we try to get intimate."

"Have you tried doing things for him? Getting him turned on?"

"A little, but I'm a little scared to."

"Why? You love him right?"


"Then you shouldn't be scared."

"I know it's just hard. He doesn't often give me a chance. He goes to bed so early. He is always tried."

"Mmm sounds like there is something else going on. I have said before he needs to go the doctor."

"Yes, but he won't. He hates doctors. I have tried to get him to go but he won't."

"Sorry Sof. I don't know what to tell you. I guess you will just have a live with a sexless marriage."

Sofia frowns. "Yeah."

"I know you really want kids."


"Why don't we go out Saturday? Get your mind off everything?"

"I don't know."

"Oh come on. It will fun."


"Great. We can leave at 7:30 that will give you time to get cleaned up after work."

"We close at 6:00. I don't' get home till 6:30, sometimes 6:15. You know how long it takes me to get ready."

"Alright, we can close early then. We will close at 5:30. How is that?"


"I will come pick you up. Wear something sexy."

Sofia laughs. "Alright will do."

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