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Over the next two and half months Sofia spent a lot of time at home reading. She and Cassie hung out a little, but she often just wanted to be alone. She also started watching some of Chris's movies. She found herself thinking about him a lot, wishing she had a way to contact him. She knew she should tell him about the baby, but she had no way to contact him. She never told Cassie how she was feeling, she was afraid she would do something drastic, and she just wanted to let it be and see what happened. She was lonely at night home alone, but reading and watching Chris's movies helped her cop and feel better just a little. She tried not to think about Phillip. A month after he had left, she went through and got rid of all of his stuff. She didn't see him again since that day she saw him with the girl, she didn't go looking for him either.

Then on June 12th Sofia was at the store stocking some shelves when she heard her name.

"Hey Sof."

She turned and there stood Chris. Chris Evans was in her store.

"Chris, uh...hi."

He smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm, I'm okay, I guess. Can I help you find something?"

"Uh...well actually, I uh...I saw you through the window and I...I just wanted to come say hello."

"Oh, well I'm glad you did. It's good to see you."

"Yeah, you too."

Chris noticed her tummy, it looked like she is pregnant, he wanted to say something about it but didn't want to assume and was not sure what he should say. There is an awkward silence between them then Chris finally speaks.

"I don't want to assume, but it looks like things are going well for you and husband." Chris says smiling just a bit.

"Uh...no not really." She says and looks down.

"Well If you would you like to talk, I'm happy to listen. Maybe we could get a cup of coffee."

She smiles a little. "Uh...sure. I am due for a break anyway. Did you want to go now?"

"Uh sure."

Cassie has been at the desk watching and smiling.

"Let me just grab my purse."

Sofia walks to the back and grabs her purse. "Cas I'll be back in a bit."

Cassie smiles. "Okay."

Chris opens the door. "After you."

Sofia walks out and Chris walks out. "We can walk there." Chris says.


They start walking to the coffee shop that is just across the street. Once they reach the coffee shop Chris once again holds the door for her and they head inside. They order their coffee and after they get it Chris walks over to a table by a wall in the back to give them a little privacy. Sofia sits down and Chris sits in front of her.

"So, uh...things haven't gotten better?" Chris asks then, takes a sip of his coffee.

"No. Phillip and I got a divorce."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's for the best, I guess. I found out he cheated on me. I saw him a few weeks later with another girl. Cassie said she thinks he was doing it all along."

"He probably was. I'm sorry."

Sofia is quiet and sips her coffee. "I guess you noticed. I am pregnant."

Chris looks up at her. "I didn't want to assume but I thought it looked like you were."

Sofia takes another sip of her coffee not sure what else to say. She didn't want to just blurt out that the baby was his. She hadn't seen him since that night and it was little weird seeing him again after all this time, but part of her was glad to see him again. She hadn't stopped thinking about him, but she didn't know how he felt or even if he felt the same way.

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