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Authors note-Here is the next chapter. Hope you like it. It's not very long.

Sofia arrived at the store. Cassie was checking out a customer. Sofia put her purse behind the counter and helped a young girl find a book. When it died down Cassie walked over to Sofia who was straightening a bookshelf.

"So, what happened?"

"I accidently left my sonogram on the kitchen counter from my appointment yesterday and Phillip found it."

"Oh no. What did he say?"

"He couldn't believe I cheated on him. He asked who it was."

"Did you tell him?"

"No. I only said his name was Chris."

"Then what happened?"

"We argued then he said he was done, packed his duffel and left slamming the door."

"Oh Sof. I'm sorry. So, you don't think he will be back?"


Just then her phone went off.

Phillip-I will be by later tonight with divorce papers and to get the rest of my stuff.

Sofia read the text and cried.

"Sof, what is it?"

She showed the message to Cassie.

"Wow, that was fast."

Cassie hugged Sofia who was still crying. She decided to close up the shop early. She helped the last few customers then put the closed sign up before anyone else came in.

"Would you like me to stay with you tonight?"

"Would you?"

"Of course. I'm sure you don't want to be alone right now."

"No and I am not looking forward to seeing him later."

"I'll be there. Let's finish closing up. We can grab something to eat then head back to your house."

"Sounds like a plan"

The girls closed up the store and then grabbed their stuff and head to the local cafe and grabbed some sandwiches then head to Sofia's house. After opening the door, they were greeted by Shadow.

"Shadow, hey boy!" Cassie said.

He runs around.

"Hang on and I'll feed you." Sofia said.

Sofia put her stuff down and grabbed his dog food and filled his bowl. "There you go buddy." She said petting his head.

"Do you know what time he is coming by?"

"I have no idea. He didn't say."

"I didn't know if you wanted to watch a movie while we eat."

"Sure, we can. We can always pause it."

"That's true. I'll go pick one out. Why don't you fix us some drinks."

"Sure, is water, okay? I don't have anything else."

"Sure, that's fine."

Cassie headed over to the cabinet of movies and looked through them. Sofia got two bottles of water and grabbed the sandwiches and some chips and walked to the couch. She set them on the coffee table and sat on the couch.

"Did you find anything?"

"Well...Gosh all you have are Disney movies!"

"Yeah, you know that."

"Oh my gosh! You have Captain America!"


"You have a Captain America movie!"

"That's Phillips."

"Have you ever seen it?"


"Are you serious?"


"Oh my gosh! We have to watch it! It has your man in it."

"My man? What?"

"You'll see." She winks,

Cassie put the movie in then joined Sofia on the couch. The movie started and Sofia watched with confusion.

"Cas, who is that?"

"Don't you recognize him? Oh, don't worry, you will. Just you wait." She winked

Later in the movie when Steve gets transformed Sofia looked over at Cassie.

"Cas! Oh my gosh. Is that?"

"Chris Evans, yep!"

"Holy Cow! No way!"

Cassie laughed. "You said you had never seen any of his movies before. Now you will! He's hot right?"

Sofia stared at the screen. She couldn't believe it. He was a great actor and she had slept with him!

Just then the door opened. Sofia turned and saw Phillip.

Cassie paused the movie.


"Hey. Just sign these papers and I will be gone. I am going to go gather my stuff and be out."

He walked over and handed her the papers then leaves the room. Sofia looked at Cassie. She looked down at the papers in her hand. She sighed. She grabbed the pen that was sitting on the coffee table and flipped through the pages and signed them. Phillip walked back in with his suitcase.

He looked at the screen.

"Is that my movie you're watching?"

"Yes." Sofia said.

"Just keep it." He walked over and grabbed some movies from the cabinet. "I am leaving some of them. Maybe you will you like them. Grow up Sof and watch more than Disney!"

He stood up and walked towards the couch. "Did you sign?"

"Yes, I signed them. Phillip can't wait..."

"No Sof! I'm done. I told you that!" He turned to Shadow who was sitting on the floor next to the couch with Sofia.

"Shadow lets go."

"What! No!"

"Oh yes! He's, my dog! I'm taking him."


"Sof! I'm taking him! Have a nice life!" He picked up the papers and grabbed his suitcase and the bag of movies and headed to the door. "Shadow come!"

Shadow got up and walked towards Phillip. Phillip then turned "I'm being nice and letting you stay here. I could take everything from you and make you move out! Be glad I'm letting you stay here." He then walked out and Shadow followed behind him. The door slammed when he left making Sofia jump. She started to cry.

"Oh Sof." She hugs her.

"He's never been so cruel to me before. Why he was so harsh?"

"Sof, come on, he's a total jerk! You don't need him."

"He took Shadow! I love that dog."

"Get another dog."

Sofia kept crying.

"Hey maybe you will see Chris again." Cassie smiled.

Sofia looked up at her. "Cas...I..."

"Hey you never know." She winked. "Let's finish our movie. At least for now you can watch him on the screen and dream. But you never know what may happen." She winked again and Un paused the movie.

Authors note-hope you liked this chapter. It didn't end up very long, but I thought it was a good place to end it. I will try and write more soon. I am still getting ideas for this story. If you have any ideas, I would love your thoughts or suggestions. Thanks for all the support. I can't begin to express how much it means to me.

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