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Authors note-Sorry it has taken so long to get the next chapter up. I have had a lot going on and this is a short chapter, but the next one will be a little longer. Hope you like this chapter.

The next morning Sofia woke up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed herself a cup of coffee. Cassie was still asleep. She had ended up staying the night. They had both fallen asleep during the movie. Sofia woke up at one point and went to her bedroom and climbed into her bed and fell back asleep. Cassie stayed on the couch in the living room. While Sofia was sitting at the island in the kitchen drinking her coffee Cassie woke up. She stretched and got up and walked into the kitchen.

            "Good morning, Sof."


Cassie grabbed herself a cup of coffee then sat down next to her.

            "How are you feeling this morning?"

            "Terrible. I slept but not well."

            "Things will get better don't worry. It will just take time."

            "Yeah. I'm going to go get ready to head to the store."

Cassie nods.

            After both the girls were ready, they rode together to the store. They stayed busy. Over the next few weeks, they spent a lot of time together. Sofia stayed at Cassie's house a few nights and they watched movies. She had a time being alone in her house without Shadow or Phillip. Then one day Sofia was walking back from the café with her and Cassie's lunch when she saw Phillip with a girl. He was walking down the sidewalk holding her hand. Sofia stood and watched. She didn't approach him. When she got back to the shop she broke down.

            "Sof, what's wrong?"

            "I just saw Phillip and he was holding a girl's hand."

            "I told you! I knew he was cheating on you."


            "I'm sorry. But I knew he was, but you wouldn't believe me."

            "Because I didn't think he would. He was always so sweet to me despite everything. He gave me gifts and..."

            "Sofia, come on. He was always late getting home, and he was always in a hurry to leave, and he never wanted to get intimate with you. Think about it. He was cheating on you the whole time. I'm sorry. I hate I was right, but you need to accept it and move on. You deserve better than him Sof. He's out there. Who knows maybe Chris..."

            "No Cas! Forget Chris. I will never see him again; besides I don't think someone like him would want someone like me. He's probably forgotten all about me."

Chris's point of view

            When I left Sofia's that next morning, I wanted to message her but decided not to. I headed back home and sat on the couch with Dodger. Over the next few days I couldn't stop thinking about Sofia. One evening a few days later Scott, my brother was over. We were sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching a movie.

            "Chris, what is going on with you? You have been acting strange these last few days."

            "What do you mean? How have I been acting strange?"

            "Well, you've been a little quieter than usual and you keep looking at your phone. Are you expecting someone to call or message you?"

            I sighed. "Okay, I never told you this, but I met a girl a few weeks ago."

            "Oh? Do tell!"

            "I met her at a bar and well..."

            "A bar?"

            "Yeah, I know that's not the best place to meet a girl but Scott she was great. But I don't think I will ever see again."

            "Why not? Have you tried to call her or message her?"

            "No. I can't."

            "Why can't you?"

            "Because she's married."

            "What! Christopher!"

            "I know, I know. I had no idea she was married till the next morning when she told me."

            "Wait a minute! The next morning! Don't tell me you slept with her!"

I nod.

            "Geez Chris!

            "Hey I didn't know. We both were a little drunk and then the next morning she spilled the beans. She told me some things that just made feel sorry for her. I can't help it. Scott. I like her. I want to see her again, but I know I can't."

            "Did you get her number?"

            "Yes, but I can't bring myself to message her. She actually doesn't know I got her number. I snuck and got it out of her phone.

Scott laughs. "Oh bro, your bad."

            "I know. I don't know what to do. I can't stop thinking about her, but I know I need to. She's already married, and I need to leave her alone."

Back to story

Cassie wanted to protest but decided to let Sofia be and leave her alone. She knew she was having a hard time, despite how Phillip had treated her she still loved him, and Cassie knew that, part of her understood why Sofia did, but a big part of her did not understand what she Sofia saw in him. She thought back to the day that Sofia told her that she and Phillip were getting married. She had never liked Phillip from the beginning. It was a Saturday night; Sofia had just gotten back from her date with Phillip.


            "Cass, he proposed! I'm engaged!"

            "Oh wow, Sof. That's...that's great. I'm happy for you."

            "You don't so happy about it."

            "Sof, you know how I feel about him. I don't think he's right for you. There is just something about him, I can't quite put my finger on it, but I don't trust him."

            "Cass, he loves me. He's sweet and I love him."

            "I know you do, and I hope I'm wrong."

End of flashback

            Cassie had been right; she hadn't been wrong. She sighed. They finished the day, and they closed up the shop.

            "Do you want to come over for dinner?" Cassie asked.

            "No, I think I will just go home and curl up with my book."

            "Are you sure? We can watch some movies."

            "Yeah, I'm sure. I just want to relax at home."

            "Alright, well call me if you need me." Cassie says and hugs her.

            "I will. I'll see you tomorrow."

Sofia leaves and heads to her car and drives home.

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