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Sofia woke up the next morning. She was on the couch in Phillips arms. She smiled. She thought back to the night before. Her and Phillip didn't make love, but they did make out and he tried. It wasn't the greatest. Phillip had stopped before getting to far and he did say he was sorry he couldn't. She remembered him kissing her head before falling asleep. It wasn't as great as Chris was, Chris was just...she quickly put Chris out of her mind and scolded herself for thinking about him.

She turned and looked at Phillip asleep beside her. They had a blanket over them. She quietly got up and grabbed her shirt from the ground and pulled it on. She headed to the kitchen and turned on the coffee and started making eggs. She had just taken them up and gotten the bacon from the microwave when Phillip walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Sof."

"Morning. Are you hungry?"

"Yes, starving. Thanks."

They ate breakfast together then Phillip quickly gave her a kiss and left.

Sofia finished getting ready then headed to the shop. She had just opened it up and was getting it set up for the day when Cassie walked in.

"Morning Sof."


"Are you okay?" Cassie asked walking behind the counter.


"You sound upset. Did something happen?"

"Well its what didn't happen. We got close last night, but he stopped and said he couldn't." Sofia cried.

"Aww Sof I'm sorry. I think he needs to see a doctor. You need to talk to someone about this."

"He won't. He refuses to."

"But you have to do something. You can't live like this."

"I know, but I don't know what I can do. I can't make him."

"True, but there has to be something you can do."

The next few weeks pass and nothing had changed for Sofia and Phillip. He still only kissed her briefly and then was always working and got home late.

One day Sofia had just arrived at work and was setting up for the store for the day while Cassie was getting the books. Then of a sudden Sofia ran to the bathroom and threw up. She came back and Cassie was looking at her.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I guess what I ate this morning didn't agree with me."


Throughout the day Sofia threw up several more times. She even threw up her lunch that Cassie got them from the shop across the street.

"Sof are you sure your okay? You have thrown up a lot today." Cassie said that evening as they were closing up.

"Yes I'm fine. Maybe I caught some kind of bug. I don't know what else it could be."

It was quiet for a minute then Cassie said. "you don't think you could be pregnant could you?"

"How could I be? Phillip and I haven't..." she stopped then remembered.

"Oh no!"


"I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Sof what's wrong?"

Sofia didn't answer she grabbed her stuff and was out the door and said, "Close up for me." and then she got in her car and arrived at the store a few blocks away. Sofia arrived home and after she dropped her stuff she rushed to the bathroom. A few minutes later she stood stunned looking at two positive pregnancy tests. What was she going to do? Phillip was going to be mad. There was only one thing she could do hide this from him for as long as she could. She hid the two tests at the bottom of the trash can. She was about to start dinner when her phone rang. She saw it was Cassie.

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