Chapter Eleven

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Friday, 28th of October, 1997

A week later, the two Slytherins had settled in nicely. There had been a bit of a quarrel between the rest of the Gryffindor house at their arrival, but James, Sirius, and Lily were able to smooth it over easily, and a few of the younger Gryffindors had even spoken to Y/n and Regulus.

It was a Friday evening and the seven of us were lounging about the fire, doing various things. Sirius and Lily were playing a match of chess, and Peter was finishing his Charms homework. James was talking to Regulus about Quidditch, with Sirius and Peter chiming in occasionally, and Y/n had rolled her eyes at me as soon as they'd started.

A tap at the glass interrupted our peace, and we all looked over to see a white owl at the window.

"Oh, for Merlin's sake," Y/n groaned, throwing her head back in annoyance.

She got up from the couch and trudged over to the window, opening it and taking the letter from the owl, who flew away as soon as she was finished. She tore open the letter and sat back down next to Regulus, who eyed her warily.

"Look at this rubbish!" Y/n said with a laugh, handing the letter to Regulus.

Regulus's eyes scanned the parchment and he scoffed, shaking his head.

"They're still on about that?" Sirius asked.

Regulus jumped, as he hadn't seen Sirius get up and walk behind him so that he could read the letter. Nosy git.

"Yeah," Regulus said, handing the letter over to James after a nod of approval from Y/n.

"Still on about what?" I inquired.

James handed me the letter, pointing at the part they were talking about.

Also, have you put much more thought into the betrothal to Regulus Black? You know it would be extremely beneficial for our families, having two ties between the Blacks and the Malfoys.

The letter was from her brother, and my stomach recoiled at the thought of a betrothal between Y/n and Regulus. I recognised the feeling as jealousy, and I frowned.

"Are you?" I asked. Everyone turned to look at me. "Are you two going to get married?"

Regulus and Y/n looked at me and then each other, before bursting into near-hysterics.

"No, absolutely not!" Y/n laughed.

"Y/n is going to marry someone who loves chocolate as much as her," Regulus chuckled. Y/n shoved him, but he continued, "Y'know, during our first trip to Hogsmeade in third year, she tried to buy the entire store."

Y/n smacked his arm. "I did not!"

"You did too!" Regulus grinned. "Remember I had to carry a bag for you?"

Y/n rolled her eyes as the rest of us laughed.

"You're just like Remus," Sirius chimed. "Your life is chocolate-centred."

The others laughed and I scowled, Y/n doing the same. We both grinned at each other, however, and it made my heart do a weird jump.

"Sirius," Regulus began, causing me to break eye contact with Y/n and look at him, "what're you doing for your birthday?"

Sirius grinned and shrugged.

"I dunno. These three have something planned," he answered, grinning at James, Peter, and me.

"Every year we plan a surprise," James explained with a shrug. "Just be available for his birthday, yeah?"

Regulus rolled his eyes but nodded. My eyes strayed to Y/n again to see that she was back to reading her book.

"Remus," Lily said suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts, "we have that thing?"

I furrowed my brows as everyone looked at me.

"The thing?" I asked.

"The thing," she repeated, staring at me with expectant eyes and motioning me to leave with her.

"Oh... yeah," I said hesitantly. "The thing."

Lily smiled at the group and pulled me away, leading me out of the common room and down the halls. We stopped at a window overlooking the grounds, and I turned to face the redhead.

"Uh... Lily, I'm gonna be completely honest here, I have no idea what "the thing" is–"

"You like Y/n," she announced, interrupting me.

My eyes went wide with shock.

"Marlene told you?" I exclaimed.

"Marlene knows?" Lily squawked. "I thought I was your best friend, Remus!"

I blinked at her in confusion, and I said, "Marlene didn't tell you?" 

Lily shook her head. "I'm offended you told her and not me," she grumbled.

"Hey, I didn't tell her," I assured with a scoff. "She ambushed me and told me that I liked Y/n. And then I realised that I did."

"Oh," Lily said. "Well... I'm less offended. And, for what it's worth... I think she likes you too."

I sighed and rolled my eyes before resting my head against the glass. It was cold against my skin, and I couldn't help but wonder if she did – if Y/n did like me back. It would honestly be a dream come true. No one had ever liked me like that – it was always James or Sirius that girls tended to fall for. I was just their nerdy friend who liked books and chocolate.

"I wish," I muttered.

Beyond Rumours | Remus Lupin x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora