Chapter Twenty-Two

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Sunday, 25th of December 1977

I woke up to a pillow being thrown at my face.

"You've had enough beauty sleep, Y/n! Wake up!"

I groaned and opened my eyes, the sound of James's voice rousing me from my sleep. He was leaning over me, his face mere inches from my own, and I shrieked and instinctively pushed him away. He toppled off my mattress and hit his ankle on the corner of his bed, causing him to let out a sound echoing that of a kettle.

"Good morning to you, too," he groaned, clutching his foot.

"Don't do that next time," I muttered, running a hand through my sleep-mussed hair.

Everyone was already awake and buzzing with excitement. There was a pile of presents at the end of my makeshift bed, and I could see my presents for everyone already in their respective piles – those house elves did great work.

I reached for my first present eagerly and ripped off the paper. It was from my parents – an emerald necklace that was probably worth more than most people earned in a lifetime. I put that to the side and continued opening presents, not really interested in anything my various family members had sent me, until I reached the ones from the Gryffindors.

I got two pairs of socks from James, one of which said 'your mum' on them, which honestly made me chuckle. The second pair read 'blood-traitor's club' in bright, rainbow letters, and Sirius and James had matching pairs. Sirius and Peter both got me chocolate, and Lily gifted me a lovely smelling perfume. The next present I opened was from Remus, and my jaw dropped almost to the floor.

"Do you like it?" he asked nervously.

"You got me a David Bowie album?" I marvelled, flipping it over in my hands.

After spending a lot of time with Remus, I'd listened to David Bowie quite a lot, and found that I enjoyed his music. I had really wanted a David Bowie record, but I had no idea where to get one.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed, not taking my eyes off of the present.

Regulus and I exchanged our own gifts for each other, which were self-made friendship bracelets. It was something we'd been doing ever since we'd met each other, and it was really fun to do. Each year we had themes - last year we had to try to make the ugliest friendship bracelet ever. I made his reflective.

"Now, we all have a gift for you two," James announced, gaining Regulus and my attention.

Lily held two hand-wrapped gifts, and gave them to Reg and I. I glanced at my friends briefly before tearing away the paper, and pulling the gift out. The Gryffindors waited silently, watching us for our reactions.

The gold and scarlet fabric was soft under my fingers as I ran my hands over the sweater. The Gryffindor sweater. I turned it over to see the words 'Honorary Gryffindor' printed on the back.

"Now you don't have to keep stealing ours," Sirius teased, but his voice sounded slightly nervous.

I looked up at the group and smiled widely before quickly looking back down, hoping they didn't see the tears in my eyes.

"I still look better, whether it's mine or yours," Regulus shrugged, pulling his own jumper over his head.

"You take that back!" Sirius hissed.

I laughed at that and put my own jumper on. The Gryffindors seemed to let out breaths of relief, but I pretended that I didn't hear them.

Christmas breakfast was very extravagant, to say the least. I'd never stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas before, but I supposed there was a first time for everything.

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