Chapter Fourteen

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Saturday, 12th of November 1977

I looked at myself in the mirror, turning this way and that, trying to see myself from every angle.

Today was my date with Remus. Well, it wasn't a date, not really. We were just going to Hogsmeade together. Alone. Without the others. Just us.

But that didn't make it a date. Remus had never explicitly said it was a date, so I decided to assume it wasn't. That way, if it wasn't a date, neither of us would be uncomfortable. And if it was a date... well, I wouldn't be upset about that in the slightest.

"You look lovely, and I'm sure Remus will think the same," Lily said, eyeing me from her bed.

I opened my mouth but words wouldn't form, so I ended up just closing it. Lily laughed lightly and got up, walking over and straightening my scarf for me.

"You two would be cute together," she said with a smile before leaving me standing alone in the dorm.

I looked at myself in the mirror again and smiled a bit, the fact that Lily thought we would be cute brightening my mood. After a few finishing touches, I left the dorms and entered the common room, where I met Regulus and the others. Remus smiled at me, his cheeks going a bit red, and I smiled back.

We all headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast and sat at the Gryffindor table, once again getting glares from the Slytherins. It was easier to ignore them now.

I felt queasy as I stared at my food, and Remus, who sat opposite me. Even if it wasn't a date, it felt a lot like one. We'd never really hung out alone before – every time we studied, there was someone else there, usually either Reg or Lily. There was obviously the time when we spoke together at the party, but even then, there were tons of people around. But I supposed there were going to be other people in Hogsmeade, so it couldn't be that different.

Breakfast seemed to take much longer than it usually did, but it was eventually over, and we all stood up and left the Great Hall.

"Well, have fun," James said, nodding at Remus and I before turning heel and leaving with the others.

They all seemed to leave too quickly, which made me feel like something was up. I looked at Remus and he just shrugged, that adorably bashful smile gracing his face. I shrugged in return and tried to distract myself from that gorgeous smile with stuffing my hands into my pockets in order to find my gloves – but I could only find one. I reached all the way to the bottom of my pockets, but I couldn't find the second one.

"Missing something?" Remus asked. "Do you need to go back to the common room?"

"I can't find my glove," I said helplessly, pulling my single glove out of my jacket. "I must have dropped it somewhere..."

"You can have mine," Remus said immediately, going to take his off.

"No," I said quickly, shaking my head. "Then your hand will be cold. It's okay."

"I'm not going to let you walk through Hogsmeade un-gloved," he objected. "Come on, here..."

"No," I repeated. "It's only November, I'll be fine."

Remus held the glove out. "It's a cold November," he countered.

"I didn't know stubbornness was a Gryffindor trait," I scowled.

"I didn't know it was a Slytherin trait," Remus retorted, a small grin on his face.

I narrowed my eyes and eyed the glove he was holding out. It was gold and red, just like his house colours.

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