Chapter Eighteen

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Sunday, 11th of December 1977

It was a calm, chill afternoon until James arrived.

Y/n, Sirius, Peter, and I were all sitting in the common room, enjoying our own activities. I was writing a Care of Magical Creatures essay on Demiguses and their magical properties, and I'd written almost a full eleven inches already. Y/n was reading on the couch, her feet tucked under her legs as she sat wearing my Gryffindor sweater. I let her borrow it a few times before jokingly telling her that she might as well keep it, and she took that pretty seriously – not that I minded.

I was just admiring her in my jumper when the portrait hole burst open, and James ran in, yelling, "I'M GOING TO THE BALL WITH LILY EVANS!"

Everyone in the common room looked up at the commotion but James paid them no heed, only running over to us, his eyes wide and his grin even wider. It was a bit of a scary sight. He looked shocked yet happy.

"We'd noticed you'd been spending more time with her!" Sirius called, clapping James on the back. "Has anything interesting happened?"

"Uh, yeah," James said. "She said she'd go to the ball with me."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Other than that, you plonker."

"Um... she pushed my hair out of my eyes once," James sighed, staring off into the distance dreamily.

Y/n chuckled softly and I grinned.

"Well? How'd it happen?" I asked.

I was sure Lily would tell me very soon, but I wanted to hear it from James's perspective.

"Well, we were just walking back from our Head person duties and... I dunno, she kinda just stopped me and looked me in the eye and said, 'James, do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?' Pretty brazen, but that's what I love about her... And of course I said yes–"

"Wait a second," Sirius interrupted. "She asked you? How did that happen?"

"Well, I haven't been nagging her constantly," James reminded his friend defensively. "I decided to give it a break. To let her come to me. And then if she didn't, then maybe it wasn't right..."

"But it is meant to be!" Peter chimed happily. "If she asked you..."

"She must like you," Y/n finished, still reading her book. I wondered what it was about.

"Yeah, that's great and all, but... there's still a big problem," James stressed. "I can't dance."

Sirius snickered and James retaliated by wrestling him to the ground. The two rolled around on the floor, until Y/n cleared her throat and said, "I could help you."

"You would?" James gushed, standing up quickly and rushing over to grab Y/n's hands. "Oh, I love you!"

"Um... thanks," she mumbled, finally putting her book down and allowing James to pull her up. "So, you'll want to place your hand on my waist like this, and hold my other hand before stepping here..."

Y/n taught James the basics, just like what she'd taught me the other day. I felt a pang of jealousy watching the two dance, standing close together and holding each other. Sirius commented unhelpfully, and after half an hour of that, James was able to dance properly. Well, properly enough.

"I have to go to the library now," Y/n said, stepping away from James. "I've got to meet Reg in..." She glanced at her watch and her eyes went wide. "Bugger, six minutes ago! See you!"

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