Chapter Sixteen

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Sunday, 20th of November 1977

I woke up early the next morning. I lay in bed, not moving, just thinking. Thinking about what had happened to Y/n and Regulus last night.

It infuriated me. I wanted to go to the Slytherin dorms and hex and curse everyone who'd been involved. I hated that the two were treated that way because they hung out with us, and their views weren't discriminative.

It got me thinking about if I would want it to be different. Would I prefer it if the two weren't being attacked by members of their house? Most definitely, but I didn't think I'd enjoy it if the two had those horrid views. I was glad that they were good people, because they were great friends.

Friends. The word danced around my mind as I thought about Y/n. We hadn't discussed the Hogsmeade trip at all. I was worried that she didn't like it, but we somehow seemed closer than before. I didn't really know what to make of it. Why did romance have to be so confusing?

As time ticked on and the sun rose higher in the sky, the rest of the boys in my dorm began to wake. James was up first and left in his Quidditch robes with his broom, ready for an early morning training session. Peter was the next to wake up, and then Regulus. James got back just as Sirius awoke, and we headed downstairs to find Lily and Y/n in the common room waiting for us, before we headed down for breakfast.

As we got closer to the Great Hall, the two Slytherins seemed to slow, and they baulked at the doors.

"Hey, you'll be fine," James assured the two. "We'll hex anyone who so much as looks at you funny."

That brought a small smile to Y/n's lips, and the sight made me relax slightly. We strolled through the doors to the Great Hall, and everyone went silent as we entered the room. Word must have travelled quickly, because everyone's eyes were on us.

Out of nowhere, a pair of dungbombs shot for Y/n and Regulus, but Sirius quickly deflected them with a flick of his wand, sending them flying back at Mulciber. Professor Laufeyson called out to Mulciber and took points from Slytherin for throwing dungbombs in the Great Hall.

"Everyone hates us," Y/n whispered once we'd all sat down.

"We don't," James protested.

"Comforting," Regulus muttered, but I noticed a small smile on his face.

Y/n and Regulus exchanged a glance before they began serving themselves food. I always marvelled at their way to communicate through simple glances and gestures. It was like they always knew what was going on in the other's head.

After breakfast we headed back up to the Gryffindor Tower. Since it was a Sunday, none of us had anything to do until later that afternoon. We all had to learn dancing for the Yule Ball, which I was not excited about.

The Yule Ball. I didn't want to go, because dances weren't really my thing, but if I had to, I'd want to go with Y/n. Thinking about it, I decided that it could probably be tolerable, perhaps even enjoyable, if I went with Y/n. I couldn't dance to save my life – but maybe I could learn, just so I could hold her close.

Wow, that sounded a bit creepy, even in my own head.

I looked at the girl in question, who was sitting on the couch beside Lily, watching as the other four speak intently about Quidditch. Y/n sighed and leaned her chin on Lily's shoulder, the redhead patting her head lightly in response. Y/n's eyes strayed around the room and landed on me, and I directed my gaze elsewhere, feeling heat creep up the back of my neck.

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