Chapter Fifteen

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a/n: y'all... i think this is the longest chapter of the story. 3.3k words :)


Saturday, 19th of November 1977

I sat in the window seat of the Gryffindor Tower, my book propped up on my knees as I stared out into the rain. Water lashed against the glass, droplets falling quickly down the frame. The fire was crackling loudly in the fireplace, and students spoke to each other about their classes, and the Yule Ball that was approaching in just over a month. The book on my lap was inviting, but I couldn't stop thinking about the person I was borrowing it from.


Remus, the boy who had asked me to Hogsmeade, but hadn't asked me anything else. We had spoken every day since the trip, but we hadn't actually spoken about it. I supposed that it just meant that it wasn't a date, just a hang out. Which disappointed me a bit.

Speaking of Remus, I hadn't actually seen him at all today. He wasn't a late sleeper, like Sirius, who wouldn't wake up until lunch occasionally – Remus usually woke up pretty early. Except for the last few days, he'd been sleeping in a bit.

"Hey, Sirius," I called over to the Gryffindor who had just come up from breakfast, "where's Remus?"

Sirius looked at me for a moment, and I could almost see the wheels in his mind turning. He looked like he hadn't slept much last night.

"Um... not sure," he replied nonchalantly. "Pretty sure James might, though."

"Where's James?" I asked, standing up and closing my book.

"Um... headed down to the Quidditch pitch," he replied. "Left a few minutes ago."

I stood up and hurriedly left the common room, heading for the Quidditch pitch. If James was on his broom, I wouldn't have a chance to ask him where Remus was. I half ran, half jogged down to the Quidditch pitch, where James was just entering.

"James!" I called out.

James stopped and turned, and I jogged over to him. However, when I tried to stop, I slipped in the mud, but luckily James caught me.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked, steadying me.

"I was wondering if you know where Remus is," I said. "I haven't seen him all morning, and Sirius said you might know where he is."

James looked back at the castle, almost as if he could see Remus from all the way down here.

"He's, um... in the Hospital Wing," James said slowly.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why is he in the Hospital Wing?"

"He, uh... fell down some stairs," James responded, avoiding my eyes, seemingly interested in the skid I left in the mud.

I frowned at him and placed my hands on my hips, in what I hoped was an assertive stance.

"You're a horrible liar, James," I chided. "Tell me the truth. Is he hurt? Is he sick? What happened–"

James cut me off by placing both of his hands on my shoulders. "Listen, Y/n... Remus has this... He has this... illness, okay? He doesn't like talking about it, and not many people know about it, so please just drop it."

I'd never heard James Potter sound so serious. He was usually pretty easygoing, but right in this moment, he was completely solemn. It surprised me a bit.

"Okay," I said. "I'll, um... I'll drop it."

James gave me a smile and a nod before clapping me on the shoulder and turning to the Quidditch pitch. I watched him walk away for a few seconds before turning back to the castle.

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