41. Power Outage

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"Goraega joha! Goraega joha! joha joha ah joha joha joha joha!"


"Gorae gorae!"

"Gorae Gorae Gorae!"

"Gorae gorae gorae gorae!"

"Gorae gorae gorae gorae gorae!"

"Gorae gorae gorae gorae gorae!"

"Yahhhhh it's 6 Gorae's not 5! Do you not know how to count!?" Jake shouted at Niki who was already in distraught from playing the game over 15 times in a row.

It was almost 2 in the morning and they had played the whale game so many times.

"I can't anymore! I hate whales now! I hate them!" Niki grasped his hair in annoyance at how much he's said he liked whales.

"Let's just play Mario kart now. The two losers have to go do the dishes." Jay pointed to his open kitchen at his sink which was full of dishes that kept piling up as the night went on.

"Bet." Jake held out his hand at Jay to which they both shook on it.

"Rock paper scissors. First 4 winners go first."


It was neck and neck between Jay, Jake, and Niki. The first round of players were Jungwon, Heeseung, Sunoo, and Sunghoon, and out of them four, Sunghoon was the one who came in last place.

"Yah Niki, move out of my way!"

Niki continued to lean on Jake, trying to distract him from driving past.

"No! I won't be last!"

Jay was ahead of the two but Niki was right on his tail.

"There's the finish line!!!!"

They three began shouting as the other four continued to laugh.


Jake fell onto the ground with his eyes closed in defeat. He wasn't able to pass Niki on time, which meant that he was the loser of this group. Now him and Sunghoon were stuck washing the two sink fills of dishes.

"Well get on with it you two. The longer you wait, the more we'll pile on there. Speaking of which..guys let's eat again!"

Jay ran to the kitchen and pulled out a pot, filling it with water and boiling it. Jungwon then ran after him, making his way to the pantry and pulled out packs of ramen and spam.

Jake and Sunghoon sighed as they waited for the couple to make more of a mess for them to clean.

"Waters almost done boiling, get the table ready!" Jay shouted.

Heeseung began making the table while Jay began making his way over with the ready made noodles.

Just as he set the pot in the table, the lights had gone out along with everything else.



"The powers out."

"Yes baby, I can see that."

Reacting faster then everyone else, Niki took out his phone and turned on his flashlight and lied his phone flat on the table.

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