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TW: child abuse, homophobic slurs. (sorry not sorry 👹)

"Sleepover. My house. 6:15 tonight," Stanley said, and the five other losers chuckled.

"Alright then," Beverly replied, still smiling from the random comment.

"Can't we just go home with you after school?" Eddie asked, and Stanley shook his head.

"No, I have stuff to do before you all come over."

"Alright then, we can wait," Mike said with a smile.

"At least someone appreciates my plans," Stanley rolled his eyes.

"I-I appreciate your p-plans, we all do, E-Eddie was just asking a question," Bill pointed out, and Eddie shot his arm up to point it at Bill as a way to say 'see?'

"Have you guys had math yet?" Ben asked the group of six.

"Yeah," Beverly said.

"Do we have homework?"

"Yeah! Over the fucking weekend! It's so annoying!" Eddie complained.

"It's also Ms. Mendoza, what do you expect? She's a bitch," Beverly said, shrugging.

"No wonder she's j-just Ms.," Bill grumbled, and the group laughed.

They were fine with just the six of them. Beverly, Eddie, Stanley, Bill, Mike and Ben. But something happened one afternoon as they walked to Stan's house together that caused there to be more than just six. Seven.

Richie dodged the bottle that flew at his head, surprising himself as he stood up straight again, shakily.

He panted, and looked from the wall where the glass hit to the direction it came from.

"I said, go buy. more. ALCOHOL. Are you fucking deaf?!" Went yelled, and Richie rolled his eyes.

"Are you? I said NO. I don't have the money, you dick."

Richie felt a sharp pain in his back as he was slammed into the wall by Went. He breathed heavily, staring Wentworth in the eye, trying to be as intimidating as his father, who towered over him.

"Call me a dick again. I'm not the one who sucks it."

"You might, speaking you've already fucked every girl in this town," Richie spoke.

Went growled and kneed Richie in the stomach, causing him to grab at it and yelp in pain.

"You listen here, boy. You need to learn to respect your parents."

"More like respect your elders, you old hag."

Went punched Richie in the head, knocking him to the ground. The boy on the ground tried to stand and scurry away, but not even a second later feeling a sharp pain in his rib as he felt a hard shoe pound into it.

He groaned, holding onto his stomach as he curled up into a ball.

Went kicked him in the face, sending his glasses to the floor with a short sound of a shatter. Richie gasped when the kick landed on his jaw, sending his head in an upward direction.

He tried to pull away from the man above him, grabbing onto anything and everything, from the carpet, to the wall, to the table leg that stood above his head.

Went eyed the table, grabbing Richie by the shirt and slamming him into it, causing the flaky material to shatter to pieces.

"You bitch!" Richie screamed, attempting to kick Wentworth.

That backfired when he felt a fist to his face, one after another colliding with different areas on his skin.

Richie struggled to push the man away, but he kept pounding him like a dog.

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