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The door opened to a boy with blonde, curly locks that bent to one side of his head. He smiled and welcomed the three in, eyeing Richie.

"So, Bev, who's the new friend?" Stanley asked, walking next to her.

She stopped, and the other three followed her movements.

"Stanley, this is Richie. Richie, this is Stanley!" Beverly pointed to each of them as she introduced the two to each other.

Stanley smiled and gave an awkward wave, and Richie smiled back.

"Hello, Stanley! Nice to meet ya!" Richie held out his hand like Bev had done previously, and Stanley shook it respectfully.

"Hi, Richie," Stanley said. He couldn't help but notice the blood and bruises, but didn't want to ask, for he thought it could be a sensitive topic to the new boy. "The others are already here, you guys were late."

"Yeah, we were helping Rich," Beverly said. "Y'know.." she motioned to his face and Stanley nodded.

"Yeah, about that, are you okay?" Stanley looked the boy in the eyes, and he just smiled.

"I'm great, Stan the man!" Richie said, placing his hands on his hips.

Eddie cracked up at the nickname and Stanley rolled his eyes, smiling.

"Yeah, okay," he said and chuckled.

Stanley led the three to his room, and Richie was introduced to everyone else. The second they entered the room, all eyes were on him.

"He- uh-" Bill started, looking at the boy with cracked glasses. "Two questions, who's this, and is he okay-?"

"Yeah," Mike agreed, showing he was thinking the same thing as he looked from Bill to Richie.

"The name's Richie. Richie Tozier. Nice to meet y'all!" Richie smiled, introducing himself for the third time that day. "And I'm totally fine, what's your guys' names?" He scanned the group, looking at the three unfamiliar faces.

"Uh, I'm B-Bill," Bill said, standing.

Mike stood as well, and Ben followed.

"Mike," Richie stared for a bit at the boy, and smiled back at him. He knew a Mike. Used to.

"I'm Ben, nice to meet you too, Rich," Ben said, smiling cheekily.

"I already have a nickname! I feel so welcomed," Richie said, cupping a hand over his heart.

Eddie grabbed his free one and began to guide him to the bathroom.

"Now let's do something about your face," the smaller boy said as he dragged Richie from the doorway.

Beverly smirked knowingly, and Stanley shot an eyebrow up. He smiled too.

"How long's Eddie known him?" Stanley asked, crossing his arms as his smile never disappeared from his face.

"Literally the same amount of time as me. We found him like, ten to twenty minutes ago," Beverly chuckled a bit.

"Do you g-guys know what happened t-t-to his face?" Bill spoke up, and Beverly turned to him.

"Apparently some guy called him a rude name and he said some shit back. The guy beat his ass and chased him to us, and here we are."

Bill sucked in a breath and the other's eyes widened.

"Oh Jesus, I feel bad," Mike said, watching as Eddie sat Richie on the toilet.

Beverly walked into the bathroom with them, and the others followed. She sat on the edge of the bathtub, Stanley stood behind Eddie who sat in front of the toilet seat, Mike sat on the counter and Ben stood in the doorway.

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