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Things got incredibly hard for Richard Tozier as days went by. He was sick and tired of just simply keeping it all stuffed down, because he knew his friends cared. He knew they were worried, he knew they loved him. But he couldn't seem to convince himself.

The losers met at the Denbrough's household for their Christmas party. They all went home with Bill after school and started their party.

"S-s-so what do you guys wanna do f-first?" Bill asked the group.

Beverly pulled her back out so that she could grab things out of it, ripping out a paper. She put the bag on the ground and unfolded the paper, clearing her throat.

"I brought a list of things we could do," she suggested.

"Well? Read them, Ms. Ringwald!" Richie announced, and she glared at him pathetically.

"We could do a cookie making challenge, sing Christmas songs, watch Christmas movies, play charades based off of Christmas, this one candy cane game, dress up as Christmas characters, annnd preform Christmas carols, whether it's at people front door steps or in the comfort of Bill's living room," she listed, and they all smiled and nodded, agreeing.

"Which one should we do first?" Ben asked.

"Cookies," Eddie suggested, and they all agreed and made their way to the kitchen.

"Okay, uhh, we need a judge," Stanley said, scanning the group. Beverly eagerly raised her hand. "Okayy then, Bev, you're the judge."

"Yess!" she cheered. Bill and Richie went to the pantry to grab out all of the things they needed for the challenge, soon returning with armfuls. Once all of the ingredients were situated, they looked to Bev for the first instructions. "Okay, everyone get into groups of two."

Richie smirked and almost tackled Eddie. "Hey babes, you're my partner," he said, and Eddie sighed, shoving him off.

"I'm not your 'babes,' never say that again."

Stanley and Bill partnered up and Mike and Ben went together. Beverly smiled to herself at the ships, 'Stenbrough and Reddie,' she thought. 'Cute!'

"Alright, you all have ingredients lying out on the table for you to use," she announced, holding the remote up to her lips as she talked, using it as though it were a microphone. "You will all have forty-five minutes to complete your group cookie."

"This feels like fucking Nailed It," Richie commented, causing the group to giggle.

Beverly toothily smiled. "Whatever, you all know, the rest. Ready.. set.. go!" She lifted her arm as a sign for them to start, and they all ripped open the ingredients.

Eddie picked up the ingredient list, and Richie set off to grab them from the table that every contestant could grab from.

"Go get the cookie mix, one egg, and one stick of butter, softened butter," Eddie demanded, and Richie saluted him.

"Yes sir," he said before taking off. He met with Stanley at the table, taking it as a threat. "You think you're gonna win this, Stan the man?" he asked.

"I'm more than sure you won't, Tozier," Stanley scolded back, and Richie scoffed.

"Wanna bet?" Stanley chuckled.

"Whatever. You'd most likely lose," he said.

Richie rolled his eyes and started reaching for the butter until Stanley was too, and they began to fight over it, shoving each other out of the way. Richie grabbed a free egg and smashed it over Stan's head, and Stan smacked him in the head with a pan.

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