ch 9

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The second they arrived to school, they found the losers waiting for them. Beverly smiled, but it dropped as they got closer.

"What happened, Rich?" she asked, and he stopped talking.

"Oh this? Nothing, don't worry about it," Richie smiled and she exchanged one, nodding.

"About damn time. Where were you two?" Stanley asked, and Beverly looked back at them wiggling her eyebrows.

Eddie slapped her arm and she giggled.

"Rich slept at my house last night and we stayed up too late and both slept in on accident," Eddie explained, half lying.

Beverly dropped her jaw and widened her eyes, elbowing Richie's forearm lightly. He smiled at her and wiggled his eyebrows and she opened her mouth even wider, the corners of it turning up. He chuckled.

The bell rang and they walked into the school for another boring day. Richie wished he had classes with the losers, it was so boring without them. He had no friends in his other classes, everyone hated him for some reason. Maybe because he was different.

When you're different you feel like a mistake.

As Richie walked out of Science, he was shoved against a locker. He looked up and saw Henry.

"Not now, Bowers. We're literally in the middle of school, plus there's cameras," Richie said weakly, and he scoffed.

"Any chance to beat your ass I'll take it."

Richie rolled his eyes and shoved Henry back, only for his head to be slammed into the locker. He grunted as Henry held a tight grip on his bruised jaw.

"Listen here, faggot. You're going to make up for what you did. Got that?" Henry threatened, shoving his head into the locker once again.

"Whatever," Richie mumbled. Henry snarled and let go after punching him in the stomach, and walked off. He grabbed his stomach in pain and placed his other hand on the back of his head. When he removed it, it was red. "Shit!"

Richie ran to the boy's bathroom, and as soon as he entered, he rushed to the sink and removed the bloody wrap from his head. He grabbed paper towels and started to apply pressure to the back of his head, swearing at the pain.

The paper towels soaked up a good amount of blood, and Richie looked to his right, noticing the first aid kit displayed on the wall. He walked over and grabbed it, setting it on the sink. He clicked it open and searched inside for a new wrap.

After a few minutes of searching, he quickly grabbed one out and started wrapping his head. He tried his best to make it look like before, and decided it was good enough.

He put the kit back on the wall and angrily made his way out of the bathroom, hoping he'd never have to do that again.

Everyone had lunch detention and that was the most boring class of the day. They couldn't even talk. They just had to sit in a room with the principal as they ate. Richie didn't, of course, but Eddie couldn't try and force him and Richie was half happy about it.

As school passed, they all walked out and ranted about how boring it was and how all of the teachers sucked. Richie smiled and laughed with them, until they passed Henry. Henry glared at Richie, who's smile faded and he walked uncomfortably past the group. He kept his head down and listened to his friends.

The group made their way to the quarry once school ended and hung out on land. They finished their game up of 10 questions.

"Alright, so since we never got time to finish the question game, who's going next?" Beverly announced as she chuckled a pebble down into the water.

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