ch 14

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"Hell, that was traumatic," Beverly spoke the next day as she sat in Richie's bed. Richie sat right next to her.

"I bet, sorry that happened," he replied sympathetically.

She only shrugged and sighed. "At least he's in jail now."

Richie nodded and looked back at the ground. "Yeah." Beverly looked over to him, then to his phone that sat next to him.

"Can we hang out with the losers today?" she asked as if it was Richie's decision. He looked at her confused.

"Duh, you didn't have to ask me."

"I know, I just don't have my phone and you do, so."

Richie nodded and picked his phone up, texting the losers about a sleepover. Beverly and Richie sat in his room and talked until everyone agreed, and they set off to get lunch.

Richie made sure Beverly felt comfortable and secure every minute they were out with the losers. She felt safe as long as she was with him, and safe now that she knows her father will be sent to prison.

"Anyone up for the carnival today? They're hosting one in Derry, it's a pretty rare occasion," Mike spoke.

"Sounds fun," Ben agreed, as did everyone else.

Richie looked at Beverly, who chuckled. "Rich, stop checking on me," she whispered.

"I just wanted to see if it was okay with you first," Richie replied.

"Of course it is," Beverly said, patting his shoulder. "Quit worrying."

Richie didn't want to keep making her worried or feel uncomfortable, though he couldn't help but to sympathize.

The losers finished their lunch and left to make their way to the carnival. With the little money they had left, they bought some tickets and walked around, trying some things out. There were many cool things to do there, but what caught Beverly's eye the most was the gigantic fun house.

Tugging on Richie's shirt, she brought him to a stop. He turned his head to look at her. "What?" he asked.

"We should go in the fun house over there, I love those things," Beverly said. Richie nodded with a smile.

"Well, m'lady, anything for thou princess, yea?" Richie spoke in a horrible accident. She chuckled and he called for the losers, who turned to the two. "Fun house."

Everyone nodded and cheered and Richie tried to hide his fear, shoving it far down as he took deep breaths. He draped an arm around Eddie's neck.

"What?" Eddie asked. The height difference was atrocious.

"Maybe we'll even find your mother in there," Richie smiled. Eddie scoffed.

"That's so weird." Richie chuckled. The group entered the house together, Richie not letting go of Eddie quite yet.

The first section was just dark. They walked through in huddles, for there wasn't enough space for them to fit in one, long line. Richie, Eddie and Beverly stood behind Bill, Stanley, Mike and Ben, and Richie tried his best to prepare himself for this. While clowns weren't his greatest fear, he still feared them.

Smoke lied on the ground, rushing them out of the first room. It was hard to tell where they were going, but they eventually smacked a curtain that opened to the next room. It was much brighter in here, but too colorful. There were colorful, flashing lights, and the losers made their way in between the large, chunky boulders that hung from the ceiling on chains.

Bill turned and smacked his face against one of the boulders. He began to stumble back when Stanley caught him and they both burst into laughter. So did everyone.

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