The Warmth that Radiates Off You

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They've been married for half a year now. 6 months of nothing but cold emotions engulfing the two whenever they are together.

They were forced into this marriage they have no say in. Every morning, Yeonjun wakes up to the space next to him emptied, always lacking the presence of his 'husband' Choi Soobin.

They never eat together. They don't go out on dates. Heck they rarely even stay in the same room for more than 10 minutes with only their bed time as an exception.

Every night, the two married couple went to bed at their own time, resting their bodies at each ends of the bed, always making sure that they don't cross any lines to make the other uncomfortable.

Yeonjun have always romanticized his love life so he was very disappointed when he heard that he'll be married to someone he doesn't know of, and for business purposes too at that.

He fell even deeper into his state of discouragement when his partner doesn't seem to acknowledge his being, only uttering a few words once in a while, which made Yeonjun especially distraught until he felt the need to no longer try to initiate conversations and make progress in their pretend relationship.


Yeonjun is currently experiencing one of his bad days which is looking to be worse than usual. Luck is just not on his side today.

It started off with Yeonjun having to run to his office today. He woke up late and only that morning did he realized that his car battery had died, stopping him from driving it to work.

He isn't familiar with the trains and bus lines so those options were out of the question as well. With no one to call, Yeonjun turned to letting his feet carry him there.

No matter how quick his leg went rushing on the streets, he was still late, which in turn earned him a scolding from his dad, the CEO. Yeonjun was late for his meeting with a big client.

The client was infuriated at his tardiness and refused to sign their contract. With the guilt drowning Yeonjun, he again ran all the way to his client's company in hopes of being able to convince them to rethink the decisions and sincerely apologize.

Perhaps the sky really hated him today as well for rain started to pour endlessly half way during his marathon to his client's work area.

Yeonjun was completely soaked. Seeing the state he was in, the client took pity and agreed to reconsider their decision. A little spark of hope amidst Yeonjun's misfortunes.

The spark was soon extinguished however when he got back to his company and was ushered to complete a mountain pile of paperworks, preventing him from taking any breaks or even getting anything to eat.

11 pm, he made his way to the house he shared with his supposedly significant other. On his feet again of course. Everyone else already left so he couldn't hitch a ride.

He tiredly dragged his feet, feeling his body going light as his head continuously spin painfully.

All he could think about is laying down and taking a long nap back in his house, his eyes droopy. The thought definitely help him reach the doors of his desired destination.

He unlocked the door and stepped in. He needed to make his way into the room he sleeps in, only several feet away but his body just have to give up there beside the door. His agile frame slid onto the floor with his eyelids covering his eyes, unable to keep them open any longer.

His head rested faintly on the wall behind him, his consciousness beginning to slowly slip away.

Yeonjun heard soft footsteps walking towards him and soon he could feel the hot breaths of a person close to him. Someone's cold palm touched his burning forehead and before he could try to make out anything, his weightless body was lifted into the air.

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