Embraced in Blankets of Snow

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It's the most beautiful time of the year. It ought to be.

Snowflakes dancing gently, bright lights coloring the night city and the sweet sound of carols filling your ears.

Everyone wrapped in their ugly themed sweaters, one hand wrapped around their cup of hot chocolate and the other warmly intertwined with their significant other.

Christmas ought to be the most wonderful time of the year but Yeonjun was as miserable as anyone could be when their boyfriend is away during the holidays and they're left with no choice but to spend it alone.

It was Christmas eve and Soobin, according to Yeonjun his "sweet precious baby bunny" had to go on a business trip to Japan, which means he won't be with Yeonjun during this supposedly joyous occasion.

Soobin had only left two days ago but he already misses the latter's dimpled cheeks, soft smiles, fluffy hair, honey voice and more that Yeonjun could ramble on for hours. He just really miss his boyfriend's presence and warmth.

On this cold night embraced in white blankets of snow, Yeonjun strolled through the bustling streets looking at other people laughing and talking with their friends, families and partners while the said boy walked with a sulky expression etched onto his pale face.

His sullen guise soon faded away a little when his phone rang and displayed on his screen was a call from his "Binnie <3"

A small smile began playing on his lips. He was upset that Soobin had to be away for the holidays but he's not going to ask him to disregard his duty and responsibility for the sole purpose of accompanying himself. Plus, the short calls Yeonjun received everyday he was away was enough to fill Yeonjun's heart with joy.

"Hey love" his boyfriend's voice smoothly sounded in his ears.

Yeonjun blush a shade of red as his heart flutters. Happens. Every. Damn. Time.

"How's your day today?" Soobin continued to ask.

"It was okay. I helped our neighbor hang up the ornaments and lights on his Christmas tree earlier this morning then his wife asked me to join them for lunch. She made kimchi stew with steamed eggs. It was delicious."

Yeonjun told the latter all about his day just the same way he did yesterday and the day before that. Although he was feeling down due to the lack of a certain person, he would never tell Soobin his feeling of loneliness. He wouldn't want him to feel guilty or sad as well in any way.

Soobin chuckled liking how Yeonjun sounded every time he goes on about his day.

"Seems like you're doing just fine without me. Where are you now love?"

"I'm taking a walk down the market square. What about you? How's your day? Did you eat well? What are you doing now? Was today tiring?"

Soobin let out a soft laugh "Today I met with a client to discuss our proposal. They said they'll consider it but I think it's looking up for us. My day is going quite okay, it's would've been better if I was with you. I've ate three meals and right now I'm also taking a short stroll. It was tiring during the day but I'm not tired anymore."

Soobin took his time to answer all of Yeonjun's question and Yeonjun listened with his lips curved up.

"Seems like you're doing quite well without me too"

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