Love in the Office

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Prim yet enthusiastic, pretty yet scary, smart yet oblivious, kind yet strict. That was how everyone who works with 'Star Employee' Choi Yeonjun would describe him.

Yeonjun is a hard working person always doing his best with whatever task he was given. Being a first-level manager, he is strict with the employees in his team by always making sure they arrive on time, get their work done and uplifts the best behavior in the work place.

He always try to be kind to repay for many of the workloads and pressures he had to place on them, although his attempts at compensations sometimes backfires. He isn't completely a bad superior, it's just that his desire for perfection most of the time gets out of hand and he ended up releasing all his stress through pushing his team too far.

And then there was Choi Soobin. As Yeonjun liked to infer as, his rival. Soobin recieved the same position as Yeonjun and they got promoted at the same time. Soobin unlike Yeonjun however, was calm when it comes to completing his work. He always appear to have everything under control and Yeonjun would be lying if he said it didn't made him pissed at all.

Yeonjun and his competitive attitude always tried to get ahead of the latter although the younger never paid him any mind. Which again, pisses Yeonjun off.

Now, the company had made an announcement to soon promote one of the first-level managers to middle level management and Yeonjun was determined to win that position.


It was two days before d-day of the promotion announcement and their company floor were bustling with work and employees gossips as usual.

In the coffee break room, a group of young employees gathered, ready to claw at any co-worker they found distasteful.

"You heard about Hari's engagement news?"

"Yeah, congrats to her but I heard that they only got engaged because her fiancé accidentally got her pregnant" a rather tall blonde said dropping his voice into a mere whisper.

"I feel bad for her, I think she really likes the guy though" another one said.

"Alright guys serious question, who do you think will get the promotion?" A girl with straight long hair changed the topic.

"It's obviously going to be Yeonjun" a guy responded with his eyes slightly rolled.

"No way, it will be Soobin" someone else argued.

The debate went on for a while before one of them spoke up and manage to get everyone's mouth closed.

"I hope Soobin gets it, Yeonjun is kind of too much"

The room went silent for a while as if afraid someone would hear but soon murmurs in agreement were heard.

"He goes overboard with his commands sometimes."

"Yeah he's pushing for perfection too much.. even when I think my work is good enough, I was told to improve it further."

"I had to pull countless all nighters whenever we have a project."

"He can be overbearing sometimes"

"I dislike working under.."

The chit chats was interrupted when heavy footsteps began thudding into the room.

With one hand holding a mug, Soobin stride towards the coffee machine.

"The 'Sun Mall' project is due in a week, maybe if you'd spend more time working on it instead of gossiping about irrelevant things, you won't have to pull all nighters and might actually reach near perfection." He said casually, eyes focused on his pouring coffee.

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