Unforgettable Sights

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The world shined vividly in Yeonjun's eyes and his home country has never looked so ethereal.

24 years and this is the first time he has caught sight of the place he grew up in.

The trees and grass swatches with green, the sky encompassed in blue, the ground painted brown, the color are bursting into his vision and he has never felt so bewildered.

Who would've thought that he'll be able to catch sight of all these things one day? When only a month ago his vision was nothing but a pitch black hole that stretches out endlessly.

After his surgery in America, he was able to open his eyes to view the world that surrounds him and saw for the first time how his parents looked like and to witness their eyes instead are blinded with tears.

In these few weeks after he left the hospital, he was able to indulge in all the beauty earth had to offer.

Now, there left only one more person he longed to see, who he have to see and to find.

Choi Soobin, where are you?

How long has it been? Was it 5 years? 6?

They were friends, inseparable even, during their last year of high school.

Having his vision impaired, Yeonjun had to be wary of people who tries to befriend him, afraid they were going to trick and mock him. After all, that was exactly what happened to him back during his middle school years.

His parents didn't want him to attend any more school after that and had opted for online learning but due to Yeonjun's wails and crying pleads, his parents gave in to his request of going back to school.

He didn't want to be tied down to one place and be forever afraid to explore what's new just because of his blindness.

He was glad he fought for that decision, if not how else could he have met Choi Soobin?


The school hallway was silent as every one was in class, seemingly everyone except one who is rummaging aimlessly in the corridors.

That person was Yeonjun. With one arm outstretched feeling the walls and objects beside him, he wander with no destination but the soft sounds of piano notes floating into his ears seems to be the thing that's pulling him. Having lost his vision, Yeonjun has adapted to depend heavily on his sense of hearing making it relatively keen.

The pressing of keys ranges from fast to slow, from sharp to flat, from loud to soft, all enchanting the dawdling boy until he reach the door of the room where the sounds seems to be coming from.

His hands went to roam in front of him and soon landed on the door handle only to find that the door is actually opened.

The tune came to an abrupt stop.

"Hi" A mellow voice sounded in his ears. Yeonjun concluded that it must be the person playing the melodious notes just now.

He stood still, not knowing what to do. Should he say hi back or walk away like it had been an accident that he stepped into this particular room?

Before he could decide the voice spoke up again.

"Would you like to join me?"

Yeonjun stilled but nodded slowly before slowly walking towards where he heard the latter's voice.

When he thinks he almost reached where he thinks the piano is, a hand reached out to touch his, sending sparks of electric delights coursing through his body making him unnoticeably shiver with contentment.

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