Spooktober Mark II

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(Yes this is set after infinity war endgame etc. Yes Strange still has the time stone. What are you gonna do about it 🤨)

"M-Mr Stark, I-I'll get help, I-I swear." Penny panted out, blood steadily trickling from a gash in her head.

The older of the two just looked up, eyes filled with pain as he brought a hand up to hold her cheek, brows furrowed with worry at the sight of her poor head.

Instead of leaning into the touch, she gently brushed it away.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

How could he be worrying about her, she thought, worrying about her was what had got them into the situation in the first place.

The wreckage of the Audi surrounded them, the only thing keeping the roof from collapsing down on the two was Penny's arched back, supporting it.

Basically, if she moved, Tony would be flattened.

Why was no one coming to help, she thought desperately, she couldn't hold this for much longer, it was killing her.

"Kid," Tony muttered, scrunching his eyes in pain at the effort it took to speak, "L-Let go and r-run out of here before it collapses."

Penny's look of fear turned to horror.

"What?! No! No! I can hold this. I swear, I can hold this."

But the severity of her injuries was preventing her from using her full strength. Plus all of the weight was concentrated on her back which didn't help matters.

Tony just looked at her, a sad expression plastered on his face. He knew what had to happen.

He smiled, pain shooting through his face as he did so but smiled none the less. Not one of his sassy, sarcastic smirks, or his fake, camera-ready smiles. This was genuine. He was so proud of- of his kid.

"Go." He whispered, his vocals starting to give out.

But right now he could survive. The only way he'd die was if- was if she got out.

But if she stayed here, then she'd die.

And Tony wasn't going to let that happen.

"Tony, please." She whimpered.

Summoning all his remaining strength he pushed her, the car scraping across her back as she fells from beneath it.

"NO!" She screamed as she watched, helpless, as the wreckage fell upon Tony, the dim light of his arc reactor could be seen from outside, dying with him.

The light stayed on for a moment, there was hope, but quickly flickered off as Tony faded away.

The sirens of the ambulance and fire engine could be heard just a few blocks away. They were too late.

If they had been just a few minutes earlier.

Nat and Clint were called to pick her up once she had been checked over and bandaged up. Turns out Tony had put them down as emergency contacts if anything happened to him.

"Oh Pen." Clint said, tears in his own eyes at the loss of one of his best friends.

Nat walked over and enveloped the teen in a hug.

She said nothing.

They took her back to the tower and still, she said nothing.

"Dr Cho said it may be shock?" Bruce contributed as the team discussed what to do next.

Irondad and Penny Parker Where stories live. Discover now