4 1 1

"what- how- why-" Adrien was stunned to think that his phone was meddled with and it had to be someone from within the walls of his house. and there were not many people. only Nathalie and......... his father. but why would they? this wasn't making any sense to him.

it took Marinette to shake him to his senses.

"what is it that you were thinking so deeply about?" Marinette asked although she assumed what it might have been. he was thinking, no, suspecting his father or Nathalie. that was the same thing that came to her mind too. but it is too hard to believe somehow. he was his father after all. and she couldn't imagine what she would feel like if her own father came out to be hawkmoth. speaking of which, where was he anyway? and it has been over a week they were gone and who knows how they are at the moment. the thought of it made her insides turn and twist into knots tighter than friendship bracelets. and this time it was Adrien who shook her out of her daze to reality.

marinette's pov:

Tho her cheeks were flushed from the slight touch of their skin. which went unnoticed by Adrien but it went to a fury of red when Adrien responded to her touch by taking her hand off his shoulder and between his warm hands caressing it gently as evident worry radiated off his sharp model-like features. it was painful to watch him like that but it didn't help decrease her flushed cheeks. it felt like a crime blushing so hard in such a tense moment. but something about his features made her go lost in his emerald eyes as if it was a black hole pulling her in. she was crazy about this boy. and god knows if it will ever change. not like she wanted it to change.

she didn't realize when those emerald eyes looked at her and when the gap between them started to close in and the cold breeze shifted to a warmer one. the way her heart was pounding, no one could deny that they could hear it. and next thing she knew, her lips were pressed against Adrien's soft ones and she melted at the moment, letting herself lean in closer to Adrien's grip as her hands traveled up to his nape and dug into his gold-like hair, messing up the combed strands. she could feel one of his hands pull her in closer to his body pressing her against his toned hard chest in the process and the other one softly went in her jet-black hair undoing the pigtails they were in. she didn't know when she shifted on his lap but they kept on until they both had to catch their breath and look at each other dazed and indulged at the moment as if there was nothing to worry about and everything was fine. 

then reality hit like a thunderbolt and Marinette practically jumped out of his lap as Adrien scooted backward and both started to giggle nervously.

"sorry-" they said together

"it's fine-" together again...

"no problem" again together. 

they both started giggling together and staring at each other with a big sigh as if they just had pulled up a cart of watermelons up a hill.

"I am the luckiest person to have you by my side Marinette, and you don't have any idea how much happy you make me. and we will fight together side by side as each other's shield as long as I live. and make sure to keep you happy as much as I can."

marinette felt tears stinging her eyes, tears of pure happiness.

"I am lucky to have you too Adrien"

  but suddenly the void of worry crashed in again. it felt like the world was closing in on her and everything created a huge weight on her shoulder. she felt her eyes welling up and tears streaking down her cheeks betraying her mask of confidence. Adrien took her in his embrace as she buried her head in his chest and sobbed her heart out.

"it's ok, everything will be fine Marinette. it will be fine and back to normal before we know it. and I promise you to bring them back, no matter what. and I am always here by your side. remember that." Adrien's voice was muffled through her sobs but she heard it and was happy. happy that she had him by her side

he reached her cheeks and wiped the treacherous tears out with his thumbs cupping her chin. but the worry didn't cease. it was going to be a long journey of brain work and surprises. or maybe shorter than she thought. but for the moment it was only her and him. sharing each other's comfort on the roof of Notre Dame.

marinette had a big journey to cross for the sake of her parents and the sake of Parisians. and she had a cat with her, by her side. together, they work miracles.

end of pov.

Author's note: hiiiii! don't cringe. I know it's cringy but it's the best I could think of. hehe. and I appreciate your wait. thanks for reading yet another chapter of my sloppy fanfic.

who wants Adrien's pov of this cringe-worthy moment?  I figured that this will be fun adding it to the next part. feel free to give your opinion.

SUMMER ROSES - ELUSIVE THORNSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ