Chapter 5: Friends and Research

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It wasn't long before all of Sonic's friends came over to assist Tails.

"Why do you think Shadows acting so strange?" Knuckles asked.

"I don't know. All hedgehogs do strange things around this time of year but he's acting different compared to the other male hedgehogs" Tails responded.

"Ya. But what about the other hedgehogs in the room?" Rouge asked pointing to Silver.

Tails sighed. "Well first we have to learn more about them in this condition" Tails explained as he opened up his laptop.

Everyone's head turned when Shadow walked in on all fours into the room followed closely by Sonic who was directly behind the ebony hedgehog.

They looked back to the computer and the kitsune as Sonic and Shadow lay curled in a ball next to each other on the floor.

Tails found a website specifically for Mobian hedgehogs.

He read out loud everything on the screen.

"Mobian hedgehogs will pair up with one another in the spring. They will pick each other out and stay with their chosen one throughout life. When paired a male will follow closely to the rear of a female to protect her. This is because predators usually attack from the rear end of it's prey. Females make nests out of straw and place a stash of food next to her nest for easy access. The food they stash usually consists of fruits and vegetables. Their nest is where the female will keep her young and will be assisted by the male in the protection of the offspring."Tails read aloud.

Suddenly everybody gasped in sync as realization dawned over them.

Sonic had been following Shadow from the rear when they entered the room.

Were they a pair? Everybody wondered.

And if so...

Did they do anything when they were alone?

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