Chapter 6: 8 Months Later

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Tails and the others had been working a long time trying to control Sonic and Shadow.

The two hedgehogs were always out getting into trouble and with their super speed things were hard if they got loose.

But for some reason the two were still in instinct form even though the season should have finished three days ago.

Tails had come to the conclusion that the season was just being longer since there was a cold winter.

But what was even weirder was the fact that the two normally hyper hedgehogs were resting peacefully in the nest Shadow had worked hard to build.

It was adorable how Sonic was laying on top of Shadow barley putting weight on the ebony hedgehog so he wouldn't hurt him but still keep him warm.

Suddenly Shadow's ears perked up and his eyes went wide unexpectedly.

Then without warning Sonic sprang up as Shadow began letting out loud pitched cries that made him sound like a dog that just got shot in the leg as he rapidly kicked his hind legs making the nest matted and torn.

The others ran out of the room shutting and locking the door as Sonic practically roared at them.

They wanted to help Shadow.

They knew he was in pain but Sonic would probably rip them like paper in a paper shredder.

Shadow's wails of pain echoed through the room and out into the hall where the others were waiting impatiently as they worried about the ebony hedgehog.

After about 45 minutes the pain filled cries stopped.

The others waited another 10 minutes in pure silence before unlocking and opening the door.

They watched as Sonic took pieces of straw that were sweaty and bloody out of the nest where Shadow was laying still panting a little but calming down.

But then they saw something curled up by Shadow's chest fur.

They couldn't believe their eyes.

It was a kit!

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