Chapter 8: Anger and Panic

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The others watched in amazement as the adorable kit stumbled around slightly.

It had he same exact looks as Shadow did except it had no streaks and had bright emerald green eyes.

The little kit was a male.

The others had their astonishment replaced with thoughts on how cute the kit was.

The little kit slowly stumbled back to Shadow and buried his face in the thick white chest fur as it began feeding.

It was adorable as the kit pulled away and burped getting a chest fur on his nose tickling it as it let out an adorable kitten sneeze.

The happiness was short lived as Sonic's eyes returned to their original form along with himself.

When the cobalt hedgehog saw Shadow and the kit he began yelling rude remarks of anger and despair at Shadow saying words his friends would have never ought he would say.

Shadow was still in instinct form and had no idea what Sonic was saying but seeing his partner angry made him panic and he grabbed the kit by the scruff zooming out of the house with the kit and deep into the woods before arriving at the old abandoned cabin.

He rushed in and lay down with his kit in a nest that he had secretly built there in case the other was damaged.

Shadow had many spare nests which he placed in multiple area where he felt safe.

Shadow purred as he cuddled his kit happily before they drifted of to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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