Passione x Reader (Choking on food)

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Same as last time with the Bucci team except the rest of Passione are here.

La Squadra:
Risotto: Doesn't care for a few minutes, thinks you're pulling a prank on him, looks at your face and realizes you're not pranking him. Slaps your back and gets the food out. Doesn't feel bad.

Melone: Thinks it's hot that you're choking, wishes you were choking on something else 😉😉😉, he'll wait a second to take in the beauty of your face and then helps you out. You get mad he didn't help you out before but he shuts your mouth and request you choke on his d-

Illuso: Thinks it's funny as hell, will help you out but he's and ass about it. Laughs at your suffering.

Formaggio: Gets worried about you, doesn't know if you're pranking him or not but gets extremely scared. Helps you out, afterwards you watch tv to get your mind off of things.

Ghiaccio: Is mad at you that you weren't paying attention and swallowed your food wrong. Helps you out but he's mad for the rest of the day.

Pesci:Scared and may start crying, fishes out the food or has Prosciutto help you. He's too scared to help and doesn't want to hurt you 💔 Will stay by your side for a week because he's worried about you.

Prosciutto: Annoyed but a bit worried, doesn't want you to die but wishes he didn't have to be in this circumstance. Helps you out and gets along with his day.

Sorbet and Gelato: Is worried about you but remains calm, Gelato holds you still and shushes you will Sorbet gets the food out. They get sad watching you struggle.

Unità Speciale:

Cioccolata and Secco: Cioccolata grabs the camera and starts recording, you probably flatline and Secco has to perform CPR.

Tiziano and Squalo: Confused, why are you choking? Helps you out anyways but they probably don't care.


Doppio: Doppio is fucking scared, he calls the boss for advice and then slaps your back as hard as he can and helps you.

Diavolo: Doesn't give a shit, you'll probably die. If he really cares about you he'll help out but don't expect it.

Jojos Oneshots (1-7)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt