Polnareff dating HCs

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You two met on the street when you dropped something, sweet Polnareff picked it up for you and of course asked for your number.

Your first date was at a cafe, you both were so nervous but the more you got to know each other the more you talked.

You would stay up all night talking to Polnareff on the phone. You two truly loved eachother and knew that you two were soulmates.

You built a communication system so that you both knew when was a good time to speak and how to vent correctly to each other.

After a year of dating Polnareff proposed, he took you out to a nice restaurant and took you on a scenic walk afterwards. He proposed at a lake that had some little ducks in it :) (god how did i read ducks wrong in my own book)

Since Polnareff is a cheesy romantic you two got married on valentine's day, Avdol was his best man and since you didn't have a best woman/man, Kakyoin fulfilled that role.

Does Polnareff want children? Of course he does! Polnareff is a family man and he is a bit of a child himself, after defeating Dio he has matured more but he still is very childish. You two will probably have two children, a boy and a girl. If you are female there's a good chance you may have twins, if you are male you adopt/hire a surrogate you'll also have twins.

You two will likely live in France but will live in an area with less crime rate. (I'm not from France so I don't know which areas are more peaceful)

Since Polnareff lost his sister Sherry, he is very scared of letting his children and partner walk on their own, even if you live in an area that has less crime. Polnareff always walks his children to school and will walk with you everywhere you go.

Do you have any pets? Of course! You have Iggy, since pets sadly die younger than humans I've decided to make this an AU where Iggy doesn't die. (I don't have time for angst)

The end (Until uh Diavolo 😓)

Note- Sorry if this has like 10 different tones, I wrote most of this over a month ago but now i'm back! Finals are a pain in the ass but luckily school is almost over :)

Jojos Oneshots (1-7)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin