Bucci gang x Narancias sister

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Requested by: @BrooklynMorris4
Prompt: Narancia and his little sister (let's say her age is between 13-16) get in a fight resulting her to run away, the bucciarati gang go look for her and once they find her they make up 😻 (Set at Night time)

It was a silly argument, Narancia had taken Y/ns candy without permission. But it ended up getting extremely heated to the point where Y/n walked out. Narancia thought it was just her going to her room but when he heard the front door slam he started worrying.

Maybe she was going out to get fresh air, Yeah that's it! She'll be back soon, but she wasn't.

30 minutes past, she wasn't back yet. Maybe she went on a long walk, or ran into someone on the way and struck up a conversation.

1 hour past, she still isn't back yet... Maybe she went to go eat something to take her mind off of things!

2 hours past, what if something bad happened to her? Maybe she got in a fight and is laying on the streets somewhere! Or worse she got kidnapped.

He had to do something, He needed to find Bucciarati. Narancia headed downstairs quickly and searched for Bucciarati. Running into someone He looked up and it was Bucciarati himself.

"Bucciarati Y/n hasn't come back in 2 hours i'm staring to get worried, we got in an argument over stupid candy and she walked out! I didn't mean to-" the fast talking was stopped.

"Narancia slow down, what do you mean it's been two hours and she's not back yet?!" Bruno tried to remain calm but let a bit of a yell out in worry.

Narancia looked extremely guilty, he didn't mean for the argument to get too serious. He just wanted his sister back.

After seeing Narancias Guilty expression Bruno found the rest of the team and told them the plan.

"We need to find Y/n, Mista and Abbacchio you will search further out into the city, Giorno you will go with Fugo you will search the area behind the house, me and Narancia will search around the buildings in front of the house."

Having the plan they set off searching for Y/n, Abbacchio rewinding time to see what direction Y/n could've gone. Mista having his guard up just in case he saw anyone threatening.

Giorno and Fugo calling out for Y/n to see if she would respond back or come out of hiding. Bruno and Narancia doing the same.

"Y/n come out! I'm sorry I ate your candy, I'll buy you some more just please come home." Narancias tone carrying hopelessness.

Bruno received a buzz in his pocket where his phone was and picked it up looking at it.

Abbachio: We found where Y/n is, she is at (blank) street. Was behind a building asleep.

Bruno: Thank you, we're on our way I'll inform the others. Make sure Y/n isn't too cold.

"Narancia they found Y/n." Bruno said started to walk.

Narancia immediately started catching up to him eager to see his sister again.

After meeting up with Giorno and Fugo the gang tracked Abbachios location getting the directions to it.

The gang made sure to keep the walking pace up, they could tell Narancia was impatient.

After making their way to Abbacchio and Mistas location Narancia ran as soon as he saw Y/n on the floor being supported by Abbacchio, Abbacchios coat over her acting as a blanket.

He kneeled next to her and started sobbing, Y/n slowly woke up from the noise and saw Narancia.


Y/n raised her hand to wipe Narancia tears off of his face, "I'm sorry too fratello... I shouldn't have made you worried."

The gang made it home safe and sound, unfortunately Y/n was grounded and couldn't go outside for a week and no missions for 2 weeks 💔💔💔💔 She still got her candy though!

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