Chapter 8: Seek's Return

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Everyone around Bakugou disappeared almost immediately. No surprise there. He ran through the door, immediately pausing. He didn't have to crouch under bookshelves in this one. He thought it would be like the other Seek chase! He snapped right back into reality as soon as he heard those loud ass footsteps. Panicking,  He ran right, the door the right as it was glowing. Soon he had to choose a door again. He ran right, noticing how there was no door on the left. 

So when were the bookshelves going to come again? Bakugou preferred crouching over running. It was easier. He passed the doors and he soon made it to that long corridor with handstand fire all over the place. He went left and right, avoiding the fire skillfully. Soon, the door opened and he jumped out, panting. He thought he was dead for sure. Soon everyone else ran through the door.

There were no deaths this round, thankfully. They all were exhausted, some were laughing with joy. "We lived!" Kaminari kissed the floor, earning a stare from Jirou. "That's pretty unsanitary, Kaminari," she said. Kaminari immediately started freaking out, causing them to laugh. "Should we sleep here for now? I don't know about you, but I'm tired!" Said Uraraka. There were murmurs of agreement, and they all walked towards door 093, hoping to find a good room to sleep since the current room didn't even have a carpet nor a couch. 

"Aha!" Bakugou was startled by the sudden outburst and he glared at Kaminari, the source of the sound. "What?!" He snapped. Kaminari paused ominously before starting. "What if Seek is chasing us since he seeks revenge?!" Bakugou slapped his forehead. "That was the worst thing I heard all day," he said, while Jirou was laughing. Kaminari pouted. "At least someone here finds it funny!" He put his arm around Jirou, who turned red almost instantly, which of course, went unnoticed by the oblivious Kaminari. 

Mina pranced through the door, screaming. Kirishima and Deku immediately ran towards her. "What's wrong?!" Kirishima said, before screaming alongside with her, Deku joining in too. Bakugou stomped towards the door, looking for what was so damn scary. His eyes lit up at what he saw. There was a long corridor with other doors on the side, the main door having a lock on it. There were more doors than there were in a different room which had almost the same model. Confirming his suspicions, he opened the door. Yep. It was true. In each room there was a bed. Bakugou would have joined them if it weren't for the fact he didn't want to look like an idiot. 

Everyone first huddled by the fireplace, chattering away excitedly. "I can't believe it! We actually have beds to sleep in!" Deku said excitedly. Todoroki smiled at him. "Yea, this is great," he said in his normal monotone voice. Bakugou walked towards him, shaking him by the collar. "IF YOU'RE GONNA PRETEND TO BE HAPPY, AT LEAST FAKE IT PROPERLY!" Todoroki was unphased. "I am happy, Bakugou. You seem pretty happy too. You should express it properly too. Maybe you'll get more friends thats way," he said. Mina started laughing. Bakugou turned so red he thought he was going to explode, "I'M GOING TO BED!" He screamed. 

He knew damn well that The Icyhot bastard probably thought he was giving him good advice. Screw him. He slammed his door shut, falling on the soft bed. It was nice. He shut his eyes, and he felt himself sinking into sleep. How long has it been since I fell asleep on a bed?!  His thoughts went unanswered as he fell into a deep sleep. 

He awoke when he heard someone push him off the bed along with screams resonating throughout the room. "What the fu-" his confusion was answered immediately when he saw Mina, smiling at him nervously, waving her hand so fast he could barely see it. "YOU!" He started chasing after her as she ran away, screaming her head off. 

They both stopped when they came in front of a door, which was clearly the source of all the screams that Bakugou heard earlier. They both immediately opened the door, dumbfounded. There was a screaming Deku, hiding under his blanket, Uraraka on the floor, screaming as well. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE!" Bakugou screamed. They both stopped screaming, seeing as they had attracted attention. 

She turned red instantly, waving her hands in front of her face. "Oh nothing! Nothing at all! Isn't that right, Deku?!" She said hurriedly. Deku came out of his blanket, equally as red as her. "Yep! Nothing at all!" He gave a thumbs up before returning back to his blanket. Bakugou rolled his eyes and walked out of the room, completely forgetting about Mina.

 He saw a figure bolt past him. It was Mina. Remembering, he started chasing her down on full speed, screaming. He was interrupted by Todoroki appearing in front of him, stopping him. "LET ME GOOOO!" He screamed menacingly. Todoroki blinked casually. "Do you know what happened between Deku and Uraraka? They kept disturbing my sleep with all that screaming. I think Uraraka figured out Deku is All Might's secret lovechild, but I need to be sure what happened before I ask her," he said. Bakugou glared at him. "HELL IF I KNOW! GO ASK SOMEONE ELSE! AND WHAT THE HELL MAKES YOU THINK DEKU IS ALL MIGHT'S SECRET LOVE CHILD ANYWAY?! He screamed. 

It went quiet. "I know." Said Jirou ominously as she appeared behind them, putting her arms on both of their shoulders, causing both of them to scream. "WHAT THE HELL?" Bakugou shouted. Jirou ignored him "Deku confessed to Uraraka in his sleep when she was trying to wake him up," she said. "WHAAAT?!" Bakugou screamed. He was so damn sure they would never confess confess to each other due to their annoying shy ass nature. Well, he was wrong. Todoroki then spoke. "So Uraraka doesn't know for sure if he's All Might's secret love child?"  Jirou shook her head, causing Todoroki to sigh. "I'll find out one day," he said, clenching his fist. 

Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Can we leave now? It does us no good to stay in this room," Bakugou said. "Oh yea, Kirishima has the key," Jirou responded. They all made to towards the door, screaming for everyone to come.

As they walked through, Bakugou felt unease. "Wait..." Kirishima looked at him, concerned. "What's wrong, Bakugou?" Bakugou paused. "How long has it been since we had food or water? I don't even feel hungry." He said. Kirishima and Kaminari looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders. "Uhhh, maybe when we get here we don't feel hungry?" Uraraka said hesitantly. Bakugou nodded. "Might be. NOW LET'S GET MOVING EXTRAS!" Kaminari elbowed him as they walked. "Can't say a sentence without screaming, right?" Bakugou glared at him, causing him to shrink away. 

They made it through the doors, now at door 095. It opened automatically, and the lights flickered. They all stood in front of a closet, waiting for the perfect moment to go in. As soon as Jirou told them to, they all went inside a closet, and went out as soon as they didn't hear Rush anymore. "I think we became pros at that!" Kirishima said, raising one hand in the air victoriously in the dark. "Cmon guys! We're near door 100! We might be able to go home after this!" Mina said enthusiastically. Kaminari opened the door, and they were greeted with darkness. "My lighters half dead," Kaminari said, disappointed. 

They all took out their light sources and navigated throughout the room. Just Bakugou's luck that he didn't have a lighter. He followed where his companions went, hearing a small psst. He looked around for it immediately, finding it before it bit him. It screamed in his face before disappearing. 

Bakugou shuddered as he walked forward, his companions waiting for him. They went through door 097, and Kaminari's lighter died. He squeaked nervously, Jirou handing Kaminari hers before getting it shoved right back at her. "You've been too nice! I can't accept this!" He said. Jirou shook her head. "Just accept it! I don't mind!" She tossed it right back at him, getting it tossed back at her almost immediately. "Uh guys? My flashlight is almost dead can you two continue this later?" Todoroki said dully. 

Jirou and Kaminari looked at each other and blinked, before she tossed it at Kaminari and ran into the darkness. Kaminari chased after her with the lighter. "Take it back Jirou!" He screamed, chasing after her. The others followed, running throughout the darkness to catch up with them. Bakugou encountered another Screech but way able to dodge it's attack. They heard a scream up ahead as well. Seems like Jirou found a Screech as well. They soon rushed through the doors, opening door 099. The lights flickered slightly as well. They waited in front of the closets, but nothing happened. They all backed away from the closets, some exploring the room while others checked the drawers.

As soon as they decided to move on, they opened door 100. It was dark and dingy, and had an electrical room to the left. "Look!" Deku pointed at a gray door with with an exit sign on top. They all cheered with happiness, as Kaminari opened the lever. Their happiness was immediately lost. Figure was there. The one who has killed one of their companions.

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