Chapter 10

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When I woke up, the sun was shining in my eyes; I turn to see Matheo sleeping with his arms stretched out. Isabella was on the other side of him, passed out. They looked adorable together. My throat was so dry it hurt. I slowly climbed out of bed and went to the kitchen. I got myself a glass of water and it hurt to swallow at first, but the more I drank, the more barrable it became.

I leaned against the counter and let out a long sigh. Yesterday was awful. I bit my lip to keep the tears back. I looked around, trying to find my phone. The last time I had it was in my car. I slowly opened the door to his apartment and looked out into the hallway. The signs were gone, along with the cars and tape. A could hear someone spraying water, I turned to see her blood being sprayed down the drain by a man in a suit. I took a deep breath as I walked out and searched my car. My phone had fallen between the seat and the center consol. I needed a switch to flip off my emotions, to become numb. I grabbed my phone, and it was at 5 percent. I saw a text from Stephanie's parents.

"Were not gonna have a viewing, but we will be burying Stephanie today at the cemetery in Washington around 4. Wear black and I'm sorry if this is short notice, we just can't stand having her sit in a freezer." I scoff. This must have been a mass text because I know for a fact that Stephanies parents hate her for moving out and leaving them to fend for themselves. I close my eyes and think back to last night, to laying on Matheos chest and his heart beat. I snap my eyes open. He asked me to come to Italy with him. Did he mean it? Was I imagining it? I shake my head, trying not to think too much about it, it was probably a dream, anyway.

I get out of the car and make my way inside; I creep in to see Matheo and Isabella still sleeping. He was wearing a shirt that matched hers. He must have changed when I passed out. She was cuddled into a ball and leaning on his chest. He had his arm wrapped around her. The other one still laid out where I was sleeping. I quickly took a picture of them. They looked so cute together. I crept back out to the kitchen; it was 10 in the morning. 6 hours until her "funeral." I decided to make breakfast. I made Isabella scrambled eggs with some bacon, a pancake, and toast. I made Matheo some sunny dipped eggs with bacon, toast. I made myself an egg and some toast.

I wasn't really hungry, I heard little footsteps and Isabella come down the hall, rubbing her eyes and yawning. "Morning Izzy" I said. The nickname just slipped out. She giggled a little. "Izzy, I like it." She said, trying to get on a stool. I helped her up and gave her the plate of food I made for her. I sat down and we ate our breakfast together. "I heard you crying yesterday. Were you hurt? When I scape my knee I cry. Daddy says it's okay to cry if you get hurt." I gave her a small smile. "your daddy is correct, and I was hurt yesterday. Really bad." "Stay right here Isabella." I said as I crept down the hall to see Matheo still asleep, stretched out.

I unplugged his phone and plugged mine in. I crept back out and Isabella was spinning on the stool. I giggled a little. "Be careful not to fall Izzy." I say as I scooped up our empty plates and washed them. I put Matheos in the microwave. "I need to get some work done. Can you come with me?" I say and she nods. We go to my apartment and I kept looking at Isabella to keep myself from crying. I grab my computer bag and charger and head back to Matheos. He was still sleeping. "How long does you dad normally sleep?" I ask, and she shrugs.

"He always has an alarm set, but he didn't wake up to this one. He said it was really late. I think he said four in the morning when we went to bed." I raised my eyebrow, "wow that is late." She nods as she goes and sits on the couch. School for her will start up soon, so she won't be stuck inside all day. I open my laptop and pull up the camera. The bruises on my face were turning yellow and were mostly still hidden by the makeup. I put all the information together on the senator. I wrote my article and sent it to Irene, along with the video and pictures of her notice and the emails.

Second ChanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora