Ugly Freak, A Nobody

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P.I.X.A.L’s P.O.V:

I was doing my chores in the kitchen when I got a call from Cyrus Borg's worker.

"Hello this is P.I.X.A.L, how may I help you?" I asked. 

I was really used to speaking like an assistant so when someone called me I would always start the conversation like this. 

"It's me, George. Um..I just want to recommend you check on Mr.Borg," George said. 

"Why? Is everything alright?" I asked, worried. 

"Well, he isn't doing that well. It would be better if his daughter would be here to comfort him at hopefully not his last moments," he said. 

I dropped the phone. Did he just say 'last moments'?! I dropped the cloth that I was cleaning the counter with and quickly ran to my car. I drove really fast to Borg Tower not caring about the speed limit. I knew I was going over it. 

I arrived at Borg Tower and ran inside. I went to the elevator and clicked the 100th floor. I waited for about 2 minutes until I reached where Cyrus was. I went to his office and saw him doing his paperwork. He seemed perfectly fine until I heard him have a terrible cough. 

"Mr.Borg, are you alright? I heard you weren't doing well," I said. 

"Oh I'm doing perfectly *coughs* fine," he said. 

"You don't seem so fine. Are you sick?" I asked. 

"I think so, I'm sorry P.I.X.A.L, I just didn't want *coughs* to get you too *coughs* worried," Cyrus said. 

"It's fine, but now that I am here I am going to try to help you. Can you tell me how this started?" I asked. 

"I went to an interview *coughs* a few days ago and there *coughs* was this very sick person there. Maybe *coughs* it spread to me," Mr.Borg said. 

"OK. I will try to help you. Let me get some medicine for you and then you need to rest, ok?" I said. 

"Ok,*coughs* thank you," he said, with a soft smile. 

I smiled back and went to a room to get some medicine for him. I got the cough relief one and some water. I wheeled Mr.Borg to his room and laid him down. I gave him his medicine and water. 

"I hope this helps," I said. 

"It will, *coughs* I *coughs* have faith," Cyrus said. 

"I will have to go now. I will be back to check on you though. Take care," I said, walking off. 

"Bye *coughs*," Mr.Borg said. 

I waved and left. I got in my car and headed towards the monastery. I wanted to tell Zane about my father. I went to the living room and found the boys playing video games. 

I walked towards Zane and said,"Can I talk to you?" 

"Wait one second. Cole is about to beat my level and I can't miss it," Zane said, not looking at me and keeping his attention on the screen. 

I waited for a few minutes thinking that Zane would talk to me, but he didn't. It ended up that Cole did beat Zane’s level. 

"Haha! I win! Now Zane you owe me that cake," Cole said, cheering. 

"Yeah, let's go to the bakery. You did pretty good," Zane said, walking off with Cole and the rest. 

Did Zane just forget me? He completely ignored me? Is he tired of me? Do I lack something? I tried to push away the thoughts, but it wasn't working. So, I decided to go to the market and calm down. 

I hopped in my car and drove to the market. I didn't buy anything, but I just walked around. I was walking and thinking which made me bump into someone. His food dropped on the ground. 

"I'm so sorry," I said, trying to help him pick up his food. 

"Let it go, freak. Look at her people! Haha! She's a robot and doesn't even know how to be perfect! You ugly freak! You don't belong in this world! Listen up everyone, robots will conquer the world one day and she is one of them, an ugly monster," the guy said. 

His words were so hurtful. Everyone started yelling and throwing vegetables at me. They started chanting,'Leave You Ugly Freak'. I quickly ran out of there with tears streaming down my cheeks. I hid in the park and sat on the bench trying to hide myself. 

My father was sick, his last moments could be close. Zane thinks I don't exist any longer. Everyone thinks I am an ugly freak. Am I really? More tears ran down my cheeks. I was an ugly freak, I was a nobody. 



810 words

Also, if you don't realize what the line is at the bottom, it is P.I.X.A.L's heartbeat right now. Well we will see what happens next!

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