Do You Forgive Him?

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Kuroo was stiff in his steps. You could feel the tension in this hands as he griped your hand and waist harder.

"Ow.." You said, stopping your dancing and pulling away from him.

Kurro shook his head and ran a hand through his messy hair. A smile appeared on his face.
"You're talking nonsense Y/n." He then took your hand and twirled you, taking the lead into dancing again.

"Am I wrong?" You pushed.

Kuroo kept silent.

You grew impatient and rolled your eyes.
"Fine then. Deny all you want but last night I saw a bruise and now today while you stood on that altar, I could see a fresh bruise on your neck!" You raised a hand and pushed slighted on the wound,making him flinch.

"Hey now..can't be all handsy with the groom..people are watching." He winked.

You shook your head.
"You don't have to defend her."

"I'm not defending anyone. I'm making sure that my wedding goes smoothly."

"What does that mean? And about how people are watching?..." You paused. "How could you even think of marrying someone who hurts you? How can you love someone like that?"

"Keep your voice down would you?"
He sounded scared.

"I can't believe you Tetsurou..this is insane."

He shook his head.
"You wouldn't understand okay?"

"Try me."

"I see that someone took you away from me?" Aiya's voice scratched your ear drums.

"Aiya, I thought you needed to use the bathroom?"

"Doesn't take a whole song to use the girls room about I cut in yes? Since it is ya day."

"Our." You corrected. Pulling away from Kuroo.

"Exsuse me?"

"The word you should have used is our."

Aiya smiked at you, crossing her arms over her white sparkly dress.
"And what makes you say that huh?"

"Well." You jesured to Kuroo and herself. "It's your day..your wedding day that you both share?"

"I don't like your attitude." She clicked her tongue.

"Well I don't like the way you just disrespected my friend."

"Friend? He hasn't talked to you in years! What makes you think you're friends?"

Now that one hurt.

"I still consider him as a friend."

"Too bad he doesn't. Right Tetsurou?"

Kuroo looked between you and and his wife.
He bit the bottom of his lip. Staying silent.

You turned your attention to Aiya again.
Taking a step towards her.
"You can dance with your man if you like...but what I mean by dancing isn't physical..or abusive that is."

Aiya sucked her teeth.
"What did you just say?"

"I think you should leave Y/n." Kuroo's voice rang through your ears.
You felt a bit hurt by his words but figured that he knew what he was doing.

You gave a small bow to the two of them.
"Congrats on your lifetime of happiness."
Sarcasm was predominant in your voice.

And with that you walked away from the two, strutting towards your table.
But stopped when in the corner of your eye you saw Kenma, standing watching Kuroo and Aiya with a glass in his hand.

"Enjoying the view? I know I sure didn't." You smiled to your old friend.

Kenma hummed.
"Everyone noticed...your argument that is."

You groaned.
"Lovely...I'll be hearing all about it when I get home."

Kenma sighed, taking a sip from his beverage.
"So you finally found out huh?"

"About how she's abusing him? Yeah.."

Kenma shook his head.
"Not what I meant. I was talking about how you finally know the truth."

You stiffend in your place.
"You knew too?"

He nodded.
"Kuroo talked to me about it many years he got money from your parents and how easy it would be."

You averted your eyes.

"But when he came to his senses, he put a stop to it immediately. But that's right when your father and his father decided to partner in their business."

You looked to Kuroo, who was dancing with Aiya.
He was twirling her just like he did with you.

"He wanted to you know?"

That caught your attention.
"What did?"

Kenma took another sip from his drink.
"He wanted to be friends with you. As did I."

"Then why did you walk away from me that day too."

He shrugged.
"I guess a part of me wanted to convince Kuroo that walking away was wrong...that he was making the wrong decision, but when I turned back for were already gone."

You felt a lump in your throat.
"I hear you.."

"And you heard him right?"

You nodded.
"Loud and clear."

"Do you forgive him?"

You pondered for a moment but found yourself nodding in agreement.
"I think I do."

"It feels good ya know? That you know the truth."

"It hurts like hell."

Kenma sighed.
"Of course it would. But you're strong..I know you'll manage just fine."

You smiled to your old friend.
"I forgive you too ya know?"

Kenma also smiled to you. Putting a hand on your shoulder.
"Bokuto's a great guy ya know?"


"He's a nice guy. Maybe a bit aloof but he has a kind heart."

You nodded.

"And he wouldn't take money to be your friend...or boyfriend for that matter."

You chuckled.
"Thanks for that..not like I wasn't thinking that already."

Kenma chuckled along with you.
"I was just putting it out there." He then gave you a small shove, you had turned and handed right in a certain someone's arms.

"Woah there. We have to stop meeting like this." Bokuto smiled.

A kind heart.

"Wanna dance?" You smiled, offering your hand.

Bokuto gladly took it.
"Thought you'd never ask."

"Don't have too much fun." Kenma smirked, turning on his heels.

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