Chapter 5

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         After our taxi ride, we followed the Senator into a building where he said I could freshen up.  Afterwards we would discuss the treaty with the Trade Federation.  Palpatine lead me into a private room where I could change.

    The handmaidens helped me into a pale brown kamino with gold embroidery.  It had a thick band that wrapped around my torso.  My hair was done in a very elegant way.  It had a pale white lace head piece with beads dripping down to cover part of my forehead and hair.   It had a fan shaped object with a huge silver circle.  I looked into the vanity and sighed.  Padme noticed my sadness and gently put her arm on my shoulder.  "It'll be over soon." She said putting a hand on my shoulder to comfort me.  "I know, I just wish I could talk to him." She smiled.  "As Queen, you have to make lots of sacrifices.  Even ones that seem impossible to." I looked at her and grinned. "We'll, you better get going, best not to leave the Senator waiting." She stated.  I sighed again and stood up, turned around, and walked out of the room.  The handmaidens following me.

                                       *Anakin's POV*

       We watched the Queen and Senator talk.  We couldn't hear them, but we could see them.  "Dissen all pitty odd to my." Jar Jar whispered in my ear. I threw my hands up, "Don't look at me.  I don't know what's going on."  This is all so confusing to me.  Jar Jar said that someone was threatening the Queen's people.  There had been some attack by a guy named Nute Gunai? Jar Jar was talking to fast for me to understand much.  I bet Nalalia would tell me the whole story better than Jar Jar ever could.  No offense to him.  He talks really weirdly so I can't understand.  He's a Gungan, at least that's what Qui-Gon told me.  He came from the planet Naboo. That was were the Queen, Padme, and Nalalia are from.  I haven't seen Nalalia since yesterday, and she hasn't shown her face anywhere.  I wonder where she is?

                                      *Nalalia's POV*

          I was discussing with Senator Palpatine plans for the treaty, when I saw something that almost made me smile.  Anakin was in the anteroom, he couldn't hear us but he could see us.  I was so happy I nearly smiled, but I caught myself.  I can't make anymore mistakes.  I was brought back to attention when Captain Panaka entered the room.  He nodded to me and I returned the gesture.  "the Republic is not what it once was." That brought me back to my conversation with the Senator.  "The Senate is full of greedy, squabbling delegates who are only looking out for themselves and their home sytems. There is no interest in the common civility,only politics...its disgusting. I must be frank, Your Majesty, there is little chance the Senate will act on the invasion."

            "Chancellor Valorum  seems to think there is hope." I responded raising my eyebrow slightly.  If he thinks the Republic Senate is disgusting, why does he want to be Senator of Naboo?  "If I may say so, Your Majesty, the Chancellor has little real power...he is mired down by baseless accusations of corruption. Amanufactured scandal surrounds him. The bureaucrats are in charge now."  First he says he is disgusted by the Senate,  now saying the Chancellor has little power! "What options do we have?" I stated looking at the Senator with surprise and shock.  The Chancellor with little power?!?! "Our best choice would be to push for the election of a stronger Supreme Chancellor. One who will take control of the bureaucrats, enforce the laws, and give us justice. You could call for a vote of no confidence in Chancellor Valorum." It sounded reasonable, but then again, Chancellor Valorum has helped Naboo with many conflicts. "He has been our strongest supporter.  Is there any other way?" I said confused and concerned for what would happen next. 

       "Our only other choice would to be to submit a plea to the courts..." The idea was unfathomable to think of! They took ten times longer than the Senate to decide a SIMPLE idea! What was the Chancellor thinking?!?!  "There's no time for that. The courts take even longer to decide things than the Senate. Our people are dying, Senator...more and more each day. We must do something quickly to stop the Federation." I stated with as much emotion I could put in my voice.  "To be realistic, Your Highness, I'd say we're going to have to accept Federation control for the time being." I leaned back in shock. Surrender to the Trade Federation control? Naboo would be in turmoil! I couldn't believe my ears.  What side was the Senator on? "That is something I cannot do." I replied with no emotion in my tone. I stood up bowed to the Senator and left the room.  I needed some time to think about this.  Our Senator wanted us to surrender to the Trade Federation? I could barely think about it without scowling. I hope I do not become this desperate when I am older.

Hey guys! So I wanted Nalalia to not like the Senator at first, but then starts to like him later with his "caring" behavior.  How do you like her being Queen? I have never come across many stories like this so I wanted my character to be Queen. Love ya'll!


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