? first day ?

88 4 2

(Edited Feb 2023)

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Y/N: your name

I ran through the busy streets of gotham, dodging pedestrians left and right as I did. I had recently moved here, and today was my first day working as a detective at the GCPD. Only problem was, I was on the verge of being late.

I jumped to the side to avoid a mother pushing a stroller, not looking where I was going, and instead running full speed into someone getting out of their car.

We both fell into the pavement, them ending up leant against their car, and me ending up falling into a patch of broken glass.

"shit, I'm so sorry, are you ok?" I asked the person I ran into, who I now saw was a tall, skinny man, seemingly in his mid to late twenties. He was wearing a collared shirt with a green tie that had tiny black question marks all over it, and his glasses and floppy hair have him a cute, nerdy kind of look.

"No no, it's my fault, I was distracted and didn't see you coming. I'm fine, are- oh dear, youre bleeding, are you ok?" He asked, concerned.

I looked down to see a large cut in my palm, blood running down my hand and onto the concrete below.

"Oh, yeah, fine-" I said, grabbing some tissues from my pocket and pressing them over the wound.

"That's a pretty nasty cut, I have a first aid kit in my trunk, I can-

"Don't worry about it, I'll be fine, I've gotta go or I'll be late for work. Again, I'm sorry" I said as I got up and ran to the GCPD.

Ed's P.O.V

Still sat on the pavement, I watched as they disappeared into the sea of people on the street.

My eyes travelled down to the small pool of blood slowly soaking in to the concrete below. Upon further inspection, there were the smashed remains of a beer bottle all over the ground, that must have been what cut them.

I got up, walking over to the patch of glass, and carefully picking up one of the shards. Blood coated one edge of it, a single drop gathering at the tip, staying there for a few moments before falling.

The way the thick, crimson liquid coated the surface was farmiliar, dozens of cases I've worked on involved blood splatter ending up in glass, but every time I saw it I couldn't help but find it odly satisfying.

Sure it was a little morbid, but the way the blood settled on the glass was strangely beautiful.

I set the shard back down among the others before locking my car and heading for the GCPD.

-at the GCPD-

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