Ch. 15: News From The Unwanted

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Only ten more minutes till she could get off of work. Everything had been tied up; no new contracts to hammer over, and no squabbling with the medical supply company was needed.

"Charlie? You can head out, thank you for your help today," Rani called out.

Charlie came in with her papers to sign off on; every week, as she completed the requirements the court ordered, Rani would have to sign and then verify it with the presiding officer on Charlie's case.

"That's my last one," the girl exclaimed. "I'm done with all my hours."

The excited smile on her face spread to her eyes as her voice rose with confidence. Charlie had changed since she'd started coming to the clinic. Rani remembered the day when the teen had walked in, annoyed, and tired of everything. Smacking her gum like a goat chewing on grass.


"Thank you, I—well—do you think I could still volunteer here? It's really fun." She twisted her lip in a funny way to the side while she tapped her foot.

"Of course. Let me know what days you'd like to come in; you're always welcome to come back here and if you need a letter of recommendation for anything, let me know. I'd be happy to write you one." Rani signed the last few papers, stacked, and stapled them together before handing them back to Charlie.

"Thanks, Ms. Rani."

Matt texted Rani about ten minutes after Charlie left.

Dinner? You and me at Lily's?

Butterflies grazed her heart upon seeing his message. A tingly feeling spread to her face and hands as she clicked on his icon.

Who knew they were dating? Both had agreed to tell Charlie soon, but what about their friends? They were a nosy group, with everyone getting to into everyone else's business, but Rani enjoyed it. It wasn't malicious, like it had been with Vishnu's old group.

Besides, Rani knew that Nandu and Lily would get a kick out of Matt and her dating.

She texted back: Sounds good. I'll change and come over.

Lily's place wasn't as packed that evening, despite it being a Friday night. The local football games had started again, and the homecoming game was in the picture. In the distance, as Rani slid into the booth seat, a booming voice and trumpets cackled.

Matt's uniform was unbuttoned two from the top, giving her a peek at his undershirt, which was tinged with sweat. The hair on his chest plastered itself to the droplets as he fanned himself with a menu.

Still, when she sat down, he reached over and kissed her hand. "I would kiss you, but I haven't showered since yesterday and smell bad."

"I don't mind that kind of thing," she said; a smile tugged the right side of her lip, and he mirrored her half-grin.

"I'll remember that when we're done eating."

The mischievous glint lurking in his eyes tickled her heart and the smile on her face fought a war, struggling against her trying to hide it away.

When she went up to order from Lily, her friend gave her an odd look. "You sat down with my brother? And aren't freaking out?"

"We decided to give the dating thing a try," Rani whispered. Her calm heart revved up, waiting for the barrage of teasing that was about to occur.

"Okay, but why are we whispering?" asked Lily.

"I don't know?"

Lily cracked a smile and as she handed Rani a receipt, she said, "I'm glad you two are. I'm tired of him griping about you."

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