Chapter 12

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The next day at school I find Parker is in a surprising number of my classes. And because she is the only person who I've really talked to so far, I make my way towards the back of the class where she sits. Halfway through our economics class she pushes into my mind.

The girls and I are going to the woods after school. You in?

You aren't playing hide and seek are you? Why would we do that?

No reason... Sure I'll come

Great, we will meet you at the back of the football field.

I find that I start to get restless during school days now. I used to be that way before the accident too. Because I had things to do after classes, things to look forward to. For weeks I wasn't restless, or even really complacent about school. The time just kind of slid by without my notice.

When the final bell rang I quickly made my way out to the football field. In my eagerness to leave I arrived before the other girls so I pulled out my phone and let my mother know I wouldn't be home right away. It was a nice day, a little cloudy but the sun was able to shine through a bit, creating slow moving shadows across the fake grass of the turf.

I relax back onto an old wooden fence post and close my eyes. The air is getting crisper for fall. I always liked it when it did that, It meant spending time by warm fires, and wearing cozy clothes, and drinking warm drinks. Though I never actually liked drinking them, just holding them in my cold hands and smelling the spices.

I hear the crunching of leaves approaching me. I open my eyes expecting the girls but instead see a guy about 6 feet tall, with dark brown eyes, and sandy brown shaggy hair. He looks at me and then positions himself a few feet away, leaning against a tree and looking back at the school. I try to avoid looking at him, but still slip a few peeks over at him. Is this just a fun little hand out spot for people? Is he expecting me to leave? Is he HUMAN? I was about to try and start a conversation with him at least to break my own anxious silence, but then The girls approached giggling. Laney spots the boy and breaks from the little groups and throws herself into his arm where he catches her and they share a kissy moment that months ago Teresa and I would have been gagging over and making fun of. Mostly because neither of us had actually had a boyfriend before.

"Oh good your already here!" Parker says, "And I see you've met Scott, Laney's boyfriend" She says rolling her eyes at the two who still have not extricated themselves from one another.

"Im here, and no I haven't really met him." I wouldn't say standing for 5 minutes of silence in the same vicinity as meeting someone.

"Oh, well that's him" Tarryn says, "He mostly keeps to himself, or keeps himself attached to Laney."

"You guys cut it out, we aren't that bad," Laney finally hops down off of him, but stays close enough that he can wrap an arm around her waist.

"Yes not bad, just like that time someone brought peanut butter cupcakes for their birthday in 1st grade because my allergic reaction probably wouldn't have been 'That bad'" Tarryn explains and starts making her way down the forest path. Parker loops her arm in mine and we follow along down the path.

"Her whole face swelled up and turned purple, had the nurse been a second late with her epi pen, she probably would have died, or had irreversible brain damage." she explains.

"I've said I was sorry like A billion times!" Laney calls from behind us.

"Well its a billion too few!" Tarryn calls back.

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