*Insert Cool Name Here*

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Robber: Hey, kid, where do you live?

Riya: With my sister.

Robber: Where does your sister live?

Riya: With me.

Robber: Where do you both live?

Riya: Together.

Robber: Where is your house?

Riya: Next to my neighbor's house.

Robber: Where is your neighbor's house?

Riya: Geez, what is this, twenty questions??

Robber: Just answer.

Riya: If I answer you won't believe me.

Robber: Tell me.

Riya: Next to my house.

Arya: *sneaks up behind Robber*

Arya: *hits Robber with random tree branch*

Arya: *pats Riya* You did well my young Padawan.

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