Truth or Dare

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Riya runs to the Poseidon cabin, her friend Harper at her heels.

"Riya!", Harper pants. "Wait up!"

Riya laughs and stops, waiting for her friend. Harper stops next to her, catching her breath. Riya smirks.

"Can't handle a bit of running?"

Harper glares playfully at her. "Last I checked, you were the one with enhanced powers, not me."

Riya just grins.

"Well, fortunately for you, we're already here!", Riya gestures to the door of the Poseidon cabin. She knocks twice and a boy with curly blonde hair and sea-green eyes opened the door. Cast grins.

"Hey guys! We're just waiting for Carson and Skyler", he says. Cast opens the door wider and the girls can see Cast's siblings, Ethan and Charlie, who are surrounded by lots of junk food and drinks.

Riya and Harper walk in and sit down. 

"Hey guys! We were just about to see how many marshmallows I can fit in my mouth!", Charlie says, beaming at the girls. "I bet I can fit fifteen", Charlie grins as she says this. 

Harper laughs and says in a serious tone, "You're a hazard to society."

"And a coward, do twenty!", a chirpy voice says from behind them. They turn around and see the bubblegum-pink haired Skyler and Riya's brother, Carson. The two walk in and sit down, Carson and Ethan doing their secret handshake. 

"We waiting for anyone else?", Cast asks.

"Nope", Ethan says. He looks around. "Hey where's my caramel popcorn?", he asks. Riya feels a small thump on her head and looks up to see a bag of caramel popcorn hanging from the ceiling.

"Up there", she says, pointing at the bag. She looks over at Skyler. "Nice hiding place!". Skyler smiles and thanks Riya.

Harper moves over to the TV Charlie and Ethan snuck into the cabin. "What movies do you guys have?"

"All the Disney classics plus Finding Nemo, Wall-E, Hercules-", Ethan gets cut off as shouts of "HERCULES!", rings throughout the cabin. "Alright, guess we're doing Hercules". He turns on the movie as people sit down on the couch and the beanbags spread around the room. Harper stands up and looks around, seemingly unable to find somewhere to sit. Riya notices and pulls Harper onto her lap.

"What-?", Harper starts, but Riya shushes her.

"Shh, the movie's starting!" Harper rolls her eyes but snuggles into the taller girl's lap anyway. Carson looks at them and smirks. This will be interesting... he thinks as he turns back towards the screen.

 One hour and thirty-three minutes later, all the kids are laughing their asses off.

"Hermes looks so WEIRD!", Skyler giggles.

Ethan scoffs. "Yeah, and since when did he like Aphrodite of all people?", he says, amused.

Carson plays with his hair. "Do you guys think I'd look cool with fire hair?"

Riya rolls her eyes. "'Course not you dolt. And Hera simply is not like that. Didn't she send those snakes after Hercules?"

"Honestly, they did Hades dirty with this one", Charlie says, crossing her arms.

Harper laughs at her friends' antics. "Guys it's just a movie made by dumb Hollywood directors, chill out."

Cast scoffs. "Weren't you the one shouting how Demeter should be in the movie?"

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