If We Have Each Other

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A/N: This is a mortal AU where Riya was always 10 years younger, Arya is a famous singer, and Carson exists. Also, sorry it took so long and thank you all for 1.4k reads!!


I'm doing my makeup in my dressing room when my bodyguard, and friend Will, comes in.

"Ms. Keyashira, the boss says he wants to talk to you", he says.

I smile at him. "Tell him I'll be out in 5. Also, you can just call me Arya"

Will nods before exiting.

I stand up and smooth out my dress. It's a gold dress with no shoulders, long sleeves, and sliver highlights. I also have silver heels to go with it. Honestly, it isn't my style but hey, there's not much you can say about your outfit, makeup, and hair choices when you're famous. I have silver eye shadow, gold eyeliner, and dark red lipstick on my face to go with the dress and my hair is in an Ariana Grande style ponytail that is tied off with a red scrunchie, the only thing I actually, genuinely like about my outfit. I actually wanted to go with something more not-shiny but nope, my boss wants me to go all pizzazz today. 

I sigh. I hope Riya, Carson, and mom are coming, I think. My main song is for them. I put on my gold eye patch and walk outside, down the hall, and to my boss's office.

"Ah, Arya!", he says. "Listen, I need a favor."

"Yeah, sure, what do you need?", I ask.

"I need you to not sing your main song."



"Come on Carson!", I yell while throwing on my jacket. "We might be late!"

"I'm coming!", my brother exclaims, running down the stairs. 

I grab my keys and run out the door. 

Mom's probably outside already, I think as I got in the driver's seat of my car. Carson jumps in right after. I reverse out of my driveway and drive to my mom's house. Just as I thought, she's already outside. She gets in and I set the destination to the concert place. We all have VIP tickets, so I'm not worried about ticket lines. We get to the building, I park my car, we all get out, and we run, well more like speed-walk, to the reception.

"Hello?", my mom asks. "We have three VIP tickets to see Arya K's show. Could you tell us where to go?"

"Down the hall take the first right,", the receptionist answers, looking kind of surprised. Carson tells them a quick thank you and we hurry to the hallway. Please don't be late please don't be late...


"I have to sing my song!", I protest. My boss glares at me.

"Your whole dynamic clashes with that song. You can NOT sing it.", he speaks coldly. 

I turn around and stormed out of his office.

How dare he say I can't sing it! He knows how much this means to me!  But then, I get an idea. I run to my band's rehearsal room. I know where it is way before I walk in, they're really loud with their playing. I look in and see MJ killing it on the bass, Ned banging the drums, and Dolores shredding electric guitar. Huh. I guess Peter's taking a break, I think, seeing the empty keyboard. As soon as that thought materialized in my head, Peter appears.

"Hi!", he says, bubbly as ever.

"Hey Peter," I reply. Everyone stops playing.

"Take five everyone! Yo Arya! Whassup?", Dolores says as she walks towards me.

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