Christmas Special

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A/N: In this one the events are two years later.

Arya's POV:

Christmas! It's finally here! I walk around the dining pavilion and see kids building snowmen and others hanging mistletoe like EVERYWHERE. It really feels like Christmas, and this time, I'm not alone.

Riya's POV:

There she is. She's looking around, at the kids building snowmen when she turns around. I aim my arm and throw the missile so fast, she doesn't see. It hits the target.

"Yes!", I scream and jump. Arya wipes off the snow on her face and glares at me. Uh oh....

No one's POV:

Arya is standing there, fuming. Well, not really fuming. A kind of playful mad. She bends down, and makes a snowball and throws it at her sister so hard, she falls over.

"OOF!", (A/N: *insert roblox OOF noise*) Riya yells as she falls. She gets up and says, "You're gonna get it!" and throws another snowball. It soon grows into a huge snowball fight with two rare daughters of Apollo, throwing and dodging the balls with such ease and speed that other campers are standing there, watching in fear.

A girl walks by and she's listening to music so loud, that she doesn't hear everyone else's shouts to move away, and gets caught in the cross-fire. A snowball hits her in the eye and she crumples to the ground. Riya and Arya run to her worried, but then two piles of snow hit them both in the face.

"Now you both got it!" The girl below them yells. Riya and Arya both sigh in relief before getting off the girl.

"Hi I'm Harper! Daughter of Demeter!", the girl says, sticking out her hand.

"Arya", Arya says, shaking Harper's hand.

 "And I'm Riya! We're daughters of Apollo!", Ria says, shaking Harper's hand after her sister has let go. All the other campers go back to doing their stuff seeing that all the excitement is over.

"Hey, I have an awesome idea! How about we ask Chiron if we can have a snowball fight instead of Capture the Flag?", Harper says, jumping up and down. Riya joins her in the jumping, and at the same time begging her sister to go along with Harper's plan.

"OKay okay fine", Arya says exasperately, but she's grinning all the same. The three girls all sprint to the Big House and by the time they reach, they are out of breath.

"Hey Chiron-", Arya starts.

"Can we please-", Riya interrupts.

"Have a snow-", Harper interrupts Ria.

"A snowball fight instead of Capture the Flag today??", all the girls said at the same time. Chiron smiles and says, "Sure". It was that simple 'sure' that caused to girls to grab a random microphone from the Hermes cabin and shout, "GIANT SNOWBALL FIGHT INSTEAD OF CAPTURE THE FLAG TODAY!!"

The entire camp flew into chaos with everybody, well except for Mr. D and Chiron, throwing snowballs and getting hit with snowballs. All in all, it was the best snowball fight ever!

~  ~  I    A  M    T I  M  E    S  I  S  T  E  R   O  F    S  K  I  P  ~  ~

Everyone is sitting at the campfire, sipping hot cocoa and chatting around the blazing fire. Riya smiles, remembering the times before she died, when the whole neighborhood would come over for her mother's amazing hot cocoa. She gets an idea and tugs on her sister's sleeve.

"What is it Riya?", Arya asks.

Ria whispers in her ear, "Let's make mama's famous hot cocoa"

Arya's eyes gleam as she grins. Quietly, the two sneak over to their siblings and tell them the plan. Intrigued, the entire Apollo cabin goes over to the kitchen where they try to make the cocoa. Key word being try.

"WHERE'S THE CINNAMON???", Riya yells.

"HERE!!", Dolores shouts as she throws the cinnamon box(A/N: YEET!). Jaime is walking through to the counter with a big bag of cocoa powder when the box hits him in the eye, sending cocoa powder everywhere.

"OW!", Jaime screeches.

"SORRY!", Riya yells grabbing the cinnamon.

Will walks in at that moment with a huge bag of cocoa powder that he's barely able to carry.


"I got it", Arya says as she effortlessly takes the bag away from Will and holds it in one arm.

"How-?", Will starts.

"I've helped my mom a lot in the years.", Arya says as she shrugs. She walks over to Riya and plops the bag down on the counter. "Almost done with the milk?"

"AH WAIT WHERE'S THE MILK????", Ria screams running towards the fridge. She opens it aggressively and starts shoveling everything out of the fridge. She grabs the milk and pours it in the steaming pot. The pot starts bubbling and spewing milk and cinnamon chunks.

"Uh, how much milk did you put in...?", Aaron asks hesitantly.

Riya gulps and says, "I might've dumped in the whole carton....", while tipping the carton upside down.

Wyatt notices the smoke billowing from the steaming pot.

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!!!", he yells as jets of boiling hot milk shoot up from the pot. Everyone runs to the other side of the kitchen, trying to get as far as possible from the milk. Just then, someone barges in. Percy and Astra, the children of Poseidon. 

"WE GOT THIS!!", Astra shouts as she uses her powers to lift up the milk. "HOLY FUDGE-BOMBS THAT'S HOT!!".

Percy and Astra manage to get the milk back into the pot and turn off the gas before it happens again. Then Riya shouts in triumph.

"Yes!! I managed to get some cocoa powder and cinnamon and milk into a cup!". Everyone laughs because Riya is so happy that she got the hot chocolate it's funny!

A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Or if you don't celebrate Christmas, HAPPY RANDOM SUNDAY!!!!

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