Grocery Store

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A/N: Sister bonding time!!

Arya: Riya, I'm going grocery shopping.

Riya: Can I come can I come pleeeeease?

Arya: Okay okay sure

Riya: *naruto runs to car*

~~Le Time Skippy Because I Can~~

Riya: Can I sit in the cart?

Arya: Sure.

Riya: *gets in cart*

Arya: I'm getting snacks for the annual Apollo Cabin Slumber Party. You can pick some if you want!

Riya: Yay!!

Arya: *goes to the snack aisle*

Riya: Let's get cookies! And chips! And chocolate! Loooots of chocolate! We also need juice! And punch! Oh! and Sour Patch Kids! *rambles*

Arya: *shoves all the snacks into the cart*


Arya: *gestures to the overflowing cart* I think we have enough snacks.

Riya: Please? *puppy dog eyes*

Arya: AH SCHIST-...fine

Riya: Yay!!

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