Chapter 2

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This is your pov x

I walked out of the dojo unimpressed of the shit job the students have done they need more discipline in there life, Silver doesn't do shit to tell them off and makes out like I'm that bad guy. Kyler is the worst with his weird ass horny kid shit like who goes up to there teacher and says "nice tits" fuck off.

As I left terry could tell I was pissed off but he knows if he asked me about it I wouldn't have said a word, I love terry really but some things he does gets on my nerves yet I'm always there for him and him for me that's why his students think were secretly hooking up after class : I wouldn't mind tbh.

I got in the car my dad gave me and drove to the local club for a 'lovely experience' even though this club is awful as shit, I bet you terry will come and hunt me down as soon as I enter the door - I'm 27 atleast let me live a while I can't even get a say in anymore that's why I have a stash of everything just so I can have my own free time you know?

Terrys pov x

I watched her walk out I could kinda guess what was wrong with her as she always tells me off for not giving the kids good enough discipline but after today with the stunt Kyler pulled I think I will.

After about an hour I decided to leave to find her I would either find her passed out on a club bench or off her head in her house - I know about her stash I just can't be bothered to ruin her fun. Y/ns dad is such a bitch he expects the world from her yet she gets nothing in return I think that's why y/n came to me.

I used to teach Daniel you see but he was all 'No mercy' back then I wish he still to be fair! Y/n doesn't deserve her dad I'm guessing that's why she's more like Johnny he took her in cared for her, stopped all of he unnecessary habits (she's finally sober) once Johnny met carmen boo was the first one he told she was so happy for him and she just loved carmen since carmen also took her in as her own, there like a small happy family but things changed.

I think I'm falling for her, I mean who wouldn't she's gorgeous but there's issues within: I have a girlfriend I hate her dirty looks and her rat tail hair I don't even know how I ended up with her I just want y/n

Terry finally found you, you were off your head walking round the club not even paying attention to the handsome older man grabbing your waist and lifting you up. Silver took you home leaving you on the door step so your shitty dad didn't find out you were with his mortal enemy.

Silver runs in the bloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora