Chapter 7 xx

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I would like to apologise for not writing a lot, the reason being is I have started a new book a Severus snape fanfic and I hope after this chapter your go check that out! Sorry this is going to be a short one xx

I thought it was my end until I felt tugging onto my arms and chatter and a little bit of shouting, then I realised I wasn't Tom my own home I was in a hospital, they must have resuscitated me or terry started something so they had to.

The blinding lights shot through me as I slowly opened my eyes letting everyone know I was alive and well " OMG SHE AWAKE THANK GOD " the nurses screamed of excitement why? Then I realised terry was smirking behind them , of course he did something probably threatened to sue them and make sure they had the worse time in The Valley.

Being discharged two days later was the worst I barely had time to heal but the hospital had been busy im guessing....maybe a shooting or something like that but I guess we'll never know enough in time.

Arriving home I noticed the smashed bottle from the previous days and the blood splatter from where I got shot on the wall yet not sign of blood anywhere else "honey I couldn't get the blood of the wall so I'm having cleaners come round " I smiled nodding as it hurt to talk it hurt to do almost anything but I couldn't let the pain get to me at all I had to be strong o can't let myself collapse and I can't let terry see me cry. In fact I cant let anyone see me cry I hate it when I cry it shows weakness and that whatever has made you cry has won. The last time I cried was when I was in class making jokes and someone know knew what was going on about my family life insulted the fact that my dad was gone (TRUE STORY IT MADE ME CRY ) that's the only time I let my barrier slip after that I have always been cold and heartless that was until terry and Johnny came in my life , Johnny has always been in it but until now we have been really close

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