Chapter 14: Winner

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Izumi's yellow eyes widened, as he quickly turned his head to the smiling black-haired boy behind him.


Before he could even finish his sentence, he was quickly interrupted by the loud yelling of Heiji.

"Is this a joke?!"

Out of everyone in the room, the red-haired boy had the most dumbfounded look among them. His face contorted in confusion and general disbelief, from what Yuuma was proposing. Putting on an unsure smile, thinking that he couldn't be serious, he pointed at the white-haired boy.

"You're telling to actually fight this short loser who can't even throw a punch?! What would be the point!"

Izumi felt angry being insulted straight to his face, as well as Heiji mentioning his height, but he pushed it down as he was just as confused with Yuuma. Did he want to see him publicly humiliated, or something?!

The black-haired boy rested his body against a desk, while remaining as laidback as usual.

"Well, you wanted to see what I mean, right?"

Lidding his eyes, he had a playful grin, as he had his hand in one pocket.

"My prediction is that Izumi can beat you in a fight! Losing to someone who you call weak, I wonder how you would explain that?"


"You said you'll be my underling because you want to get stronger, right? Take this as my first lesson for you then. If my prediction is wrong, I'll show you how to deliver the punch I gave you before."

The red-haired boy's blue eyes quickly sparkled and it seemed as though he sprouted a pair of dog ears and a tail, showing his obvious interest and excitement.

"I take that as an agreement, yes?"


The white-haired boy, not being able to raise a voice, could only stand by in the sidelines, as he wasn't even asked for his opinion...

Yuuma had a smug smile, but he was quickly pulled aside by Hanami.

"What are you doing?!"

Shouting in a whisper, the indigo-haired girl looked at him, questioningly.

"I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want to watch someone get beat up before class starts!!"

"Wait— listen, listen. I have a plan. I swear."

"If you don't, Izumi won't be the only person being beat up today, understand?!"

"He won't be beat up, okay! I promise! You have my word!"

With a face that didn't believe a word he was saying, she didn't have to say it, but Yuuma could tell she was thinking 'what do I need your words for?'

The black-haired boy could only hold back a 'fuck you,' as he remembered he was speaking to a child.

Sighing, he walked over to Izumi, who had been looking over with a worried expression the whole time.

"Hideki Yuuma!! Are you insane?! What is this for?! Do you really think I could beat that guy?!"

Hearing the boy call him by his full name could only send chills down his spine, once again. He really has to stop him from doing that, though he had more important matters to attend to currently.

"Of course not. I still remember our first meeting after all."


"Anyway, just do me this one quick favor okay? I promise you won't be hurt by the end of this. I guarantee your safety!" 

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