Part one : Joys of Owning a Bar

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Dream is a young millionaire who gained his wealth when he took over his parent's business but when his uncle randomly pops back up dream is forced to try to lay low. His uncle tried to do whatever he could to ruin Dream's reputation but worse of all he has the public in on his scheme. He had the public trying to find and expose everything and anything a dream does.

Recently every time dream left one of his houses, he has at least one young lady all over him trying to get him to take her home. It's been months since he was out last, dreams had made arrangement to work from home, but rumors have died down and he needed to leave the house for once

Good evening, sir, it's been a while

It has been a while, how have you been?

I've been well, people stopped asking about you, I heard you went to Europe


Yeah, people come up with crazy theories

Well I guess we'll see if any ladies throw themselves at me

Some people aren't the smartest

Yeah, no kidding

Within seconds a brunette male around dreams age stumbles towards him grabbing the back of his chair. Dream rolls his eyes glances at the young bartender who is slightly giggling

Look like they figured it out

Yeah, took them long enough

Should I call security?

No, it'll just cause more problems

Shit, I'm sorry I didn't realize what I was doing

Yeah, yeah whatever you say

Can you get me a drink

Get yourself a drink

Can't, cut off

Sit down, wait an hour, sober up and go home

Dream stands up and sits him down then turns to the bartender asking for her to get him water. Once she places the glass down, dream goes to leave but the brunette stops him

Please don't tell the owner, I didn't mean any harm

Dream ignores him walking away to go to his office to grab some paperwork. When he returns the brunette is gone and the glass is still full

Sorry sir, I turned away and when I turned back, he was gone

Probably got scared I was calling the cop for harassment

Yeah, but he was really drunk, I'm not sure it was fully an act

Okay, let me know if he comes back. Don't worry about it just a typical drunk thing

Dream leaves and gets in his car to go home. As dream is driving home, he sees someone stumbling along the sidewalk, quickly comprehending it was the brunette, he pulls over near him

If your actually drunk, you shouldn't be wondering the street

The cops the owner call will find me soon enough

No cops are coming, get an uber and go home

The brunette pulls his phone out to find it was dead then pulls his keys out

What are you doing?

I have to find my car

You not driving

I won't drive

I'm not taking the chance, get in

No, I just need my charger so I can call an uber

Get in, I'm taking you home

He gets in with a grumble and passes out before Dream can get in the car. Dream buckles him and himself up and starts driving to a hotel 

Stranger of worth (Dreamnotfound)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora