Part two: Not who you thought

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The following morning the brunette walks up in a panic. He sees someone sitting at a computer in the room


Hi, there's a robe on the bottom of the bed, put it on and go shower your clothes from last night are washed and dried waiting for you.

Where are I?

You at a hotel, go shower your disgusting



The brunette goes to the bathroom and dream shakes his head annoyed. When he exits the bathroom, dream throws his keys, phone and wallet at him and he stands there confused

Let's go, George, your car is at the bar. I'll drop you off. Just know whatever plan failed and I know your address if you try to lie to ruin my career.

George confused out of his mind followed dream to the car

This...this is your car

Well yeah, I'm a millionaire

You're a millionaire

Stop playing stupid and get in

They get in the car and George looks at dream like he's a strange creature.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Did we last night

Like I said your plan fail so no we didn't

What's this plan

Do you actually not know

No, I went to a bar, I got drunk, I don't remember much after that

Dream stares at him trying to pick out the lie which he couldn't so he explained everything he knows

Oh my god.... I threw up all over myself in front of the owner of the bar that I got drunk at

After a couple seconds of George freaking at he looked at dream more freaked out

We didn't do anything last night right

No, we didn't

Did I try to do anything?

No, you were pretty worried that I called the cops for harassment after that you were throwing up and mostly knocked out

Oh my... thank God

Should I be offended?

No, I'm sorry you very handsome it just um

It was joke I was screwing around.... anyways that should be your car

Yeah...that's my car

George gets out and starts walking to his car

A few days passes and everything is going normal until dream receives a photo of George getting out of dream car, details about George and a message from his uncle 

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