Part six: Moving too fast

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After a few months of dream teaching and showing the rope to George he is confident that George could handle it. 

Hey sapnap can you look into something

Yes, what is it

Can you find out how I can ensure that George will take ownership of the company if something happens to me

Do you still think your uncle is after you?

Yes, I got a report that he's getting close to figuring it out. I need a will put together as soon as possible

I'll look into it as soon as i can but i think the only way to insure he gets the company is if your married when you became incapable of running the business and if he passes that assessment

I guarantee he'll pass but I don't know about marriage, we just met not that long ago.

I'll look into it and there an event in a month, I'm sure your uncle will track you down by then

Well George and I will be there; I think that'll be a great introduction for him

When dream was done talking to sapnap and looking into the assessment he messages George asking for him to come to his office. Ten minutes later, there was a light knock at the door

You asked to see me

Yes, I think we're ready to start the process of you handling the business

Okay so what does that mean

There is an assessment that you need to take and pass before you can officially take over, but we can start the process of adding you to my will and paperwork.

Do you think I'm capable of passing

Yes, it become clear that you are at the same level of me, and I aced the assessment so I have no doubt that you will also

Okay, sign me up for the assessment

I will do that, it'll be in two weeks then in a month with have an event to go to, it'll be like an introduction for the business

Sounds wonderful, I'll be waiting for the details

We do...

Geroge begins to walk away but stops at the door



Dream looks at George concerned

Do you think it's really necessary to be putting me in your will and everything

Yes, i have reason to believe he's gone to the extremes before to get the ownership of the company

Do you want to talk about it?

Not really

Okay, well you know where you can find me

George, if something happens to me and you're in my will there's no way he can get ownership, so he won't have any way to. If i don't have someone in my will then it automatically goes to him since I don't have any living siblings and kids

Why not sapnap or Karl?

They want to keep their jobs, those jobs fit them best, so no matter what they will help you like they've helped me

Later the night when dream was about to climb in bed he hears and sees someone pacing back and forth in front of his door. Dream grabs a bat, slowly moving and opening the door to find George stop in his tracks

Are you okay?

George stands frozen and dream takes a slow step towards him

George, what's wrong?


What did you want to ask or talk to me about

It's nothing I'm sorry...I'm sorry for bothering you

Dream grabs his hand pulling him into the room towards the bed

Shit shit shit I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here

George tries to leave but dream makes him sit back down

Lay down go to sleep

This is your bed

Really, I didn't notice, now sleep

What about you

Right next  to you

That's absurd

Thats why your here.... I can see it in your eyes

George turned embarrassed and tries to leave but dream once again keeps him on the bed

It's fine don't worry about it, it's not a big deal

I wasn't trying to try anything, i promise

George, I understand just go to sleep

Dream gets George laying down in bed and dream soon joins him begin mindful of the space between the two

We're going to have to get married aren't we

Don't worry about it, sapnaps looking at the options and if that's the only options ill figure something else out

Geroge moves to look at dream who looks confused due to the sudden movement

Is there an issue with marrying me?


Is marrying me such a horrible thing

That isn't what I was meaning, it's just a lot for you. I don't expect you to marry me because of all my issues. You've already gone through a ton because of my issues

George slowly moves towards dream who allows him

If I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't be so who's asking you or me

Let's go to sleep first ad wait for the options before we jump to that

Okay, sliver is my color jewelry

I'll keep that in mind

Okay what about or silver

Silver now sleeps idiot

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